Mike Sarver Prayer Letter:  Spiritual ProgressIn January, our adult Sunday school class averaged 94 adults, which was 15 more than January 2018. I thank the Lord for this growth and for our faithful adults, class workers, and soul winners. Each person who attends our class and church is a testimony to the grace of God. Here are a few of their stories:


In our May 2018 prayer letter, I wrote about inviting Patrice to church and his trusting Christ. He has not missed a Sunday since he started coming, and he is now coming to our evening services. He joined our church and completed our discipleship curriculum. Upon Patrice’s invitation, three of his friends have visited our church, and two of them have also joined our church.


He started attending our church in 2013, but he has seen much spiritual growth over the last two years. In 2017, he started coming to our evening services faithfully and helping me make calls to our absentees. Recently, Samson’s wife Rachel and their children (pictured on right) have joined him for all of the services. Also, he now comes soul winning with me occasionally. After his wife visited our class for the first time, I was able to visit them in their home and win Rachel and their teenage daughter to Christ.


I have written about Dennis in several of my prayer letters over the last year. He is a convert of mine who is paralyzed. He has not yet attended our church, but I believe he will! His wife Safia and nephew Samuel have been attending faithfully since last March. This family is so needy, but they are working hard. Safia cleans for our church and Christian school. After she gets off work, she walks through the local community to sell dried fish. Samuel recently got a job working 60 hours per week cleaning for a local hospital. (He makes less than 25¢ per hour!) Dennis’ physical therapy is going very slowly. Some, including the therapists, are encouraging Dennis to try natural treatment, which would cost about $450. The family also needs about $1,000 up front for two years’ rent. Please pray for God to provide for these needs and to heal Dennis if it be His will.


Our May 2018 team update tells about my visitor Grace. After coming twice, she went back to “her church.” For months, I followed up, but to no avail. I stopped visiting her but kept praying. After a few weeks, her son Owusu saw me and asked me why I had not come by the shop recently. I simply told him I did not think his mother was interested in our church. The very next Sunday, December 9, Grace came, along with her son Emmanuel and her friend Victoria. Grace has only missed one Sunday since then. Grace’s husband Daniel visited, walked the aisle after Pastor Speer preached one Sunday morning, and happily trusted Christ. When Grace’s adult daughter Erica visited, Maria was able to win her to the Lord.

Would you join us in praying for these converts to continue to grow in grace?

Mike, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, and Ben Sarver