Mike Sarver Family

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: New Soul Winners

2025-01-30T13:06:09-06:00February 3rd, 2025|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

I wrote in November about three of our graduates returning to Liberia to start churches. Well, praise the Lord, those churches have been started. Please pray for Bro. Anthony Zuapeawon, assisted by Bro. Sylvester Gonquoi, as they lead one [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Bible College Graduates

2024-11-22T12:32:33-06:00November 26th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

We praise the Lord for 5 new graduates from Hyles-Anderson College of West Africa, which brings our totals to 48 diploma recipients and 57 degree recipients. Please let me share with you the testimonies of these graduates as they are pictur [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Great Questions

2024-10-15T09:14:49-05:00October 12th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

“. . . Dost thou believe on the Son of God?” (John 9:35) Questions are so important as we lead others to Christ. My wife sent me this picture of a student in our Christian school whom she led to Christ today. His name is Agyare (pronounced [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: A New Family in Our Church

2024-08-31T11:09:48-05:00September 5th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Last week was our annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference; the theme was “Developing Leaders.” It was a great conference and well-attended. Pastor Speer asked me to teach four sessions; Maria taught two sessions for the ladies. Maria and J [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Zeal to Reach Others with the Truth

2024-06-28T10:07:38-05:00June 29th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|

We are privileged to be a part of the amazing work God is doing in Ghana, West Africa. We thank God for the opportunities afforded us in June. Soul-Winning Training Emmanuel has been attending my Sunday school class for several months now. [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Where Are They Now?

2024-05-30T07:50:48-05:00June 4th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In our December 2010 prayer letter, I wrote about Pastor Gyasi Boateng, who would soon graduate from our Bible college. In our September 2011 prayer letter, I wrote about Abraham Oluwatosin, who had just graduated as valedictorian from our [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Plenty of Good News

2024-04-17T11:46:56-05:00April 20th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

There is plenty of good news to share with you this month. Thank you for your part in the work here! Easter Outreach For the last several years now, our church has taken advantage of the holiday by meeting on the Friday before Easter to go [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: A Time to Be Born and A Time to Die

2024-03-18T16:52:55-05:00March 19th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Ghanaian culture afforded me the opportunity to preach the Gospel at two unique occasions recently: A Time to Be Born I was invited to preach at a ceremony at which the name of the son of Akwasi Kwakye and Grace Hammond would be announced. [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: No Greater Joy

2024-01-19T08:59:26-06:00January 20th, 2024|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

What a joy it is be a soul winner! I find great joy in the fact that every member of our family was out sharing the Gospel recently. (May this continually be true until each of us gets to Heaven!) Maria writes this about two of her recent s [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Update: Many Opportunities

2023-11-24T18:07:31-06:00November 27th, 2023|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We thank God that Joy turned 14 and Faith turned 10 this month. We thank God they are both saved and serving Christ! We also thank the Lord for the many different opportunities He gives us to reach others for His glory. Medical Clinics Our [...]

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