Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Where Are They Now?In our December 2010 prayer letter, I wrote about Pastor Gyasi Boateng, who would soon graduate from our Bible college. In our September 2011 prayer letter, I wrote about Abraham Oluwatosin, who had just graduated as valedictorian from our Bible college. In our February 2020 prayer letter, I wrote about Pastor Abraham Subui, who had just received his bachelor’s degree from our Bible college. In this prayer letter, I would like to let you know about where these men are serving now.

Pastor Gyasi Boateng

He has been pastoring for 14 years. He now pastors the Fundamental Baptist Church of Foase, which is about 45 minutes from our church. He and his wife Anita have been married for 15 years; their children are Janet, Joshua, Caleb, Nora, Nhyira, and Anointina. Pastor Boateng reported recently: “We had a program called ‘Get a Friend to Church.’ We had 6 groups, and they all reached their targets. We had 150 attend, including 50 first-time visitors. We had fun and games, and many people got saved. Please pray for the visitors to grow in their Christian lives and be used for God’s work.”

Pastor Abraham Oluwatosin

When he was in our Bible college, he was single, but when he returned to Nigeria, God blessed him with a wife. He married Grace in 2014, and now they have three children – Connie, Ithiel, and Candace. He pastors the Fellowship Baptist Church in Akure, Nigeria. I was communicating with him recently, and he shared with me that “our church has been able to send four men to Missionary Mark Holmes to be trained for the ministry. Three have graduated already. We are building the second church already with the help of Missionary Daniel Lang.” Praise the Lord!

Pastor Abraham Subui

Before he enrolled in our Bible college, Pastor Subui had already been pastoring Salvation Baptist Church in Nkwanta, Bono East region, for three years, but now he testifies that the training he has received from Pastor Speer and our college transformed his ministry. Pastor Subui and his wife Theresa have seven children – Elizabeth, Brusila, Josephine, Olivia, Mercy, Hyles Anderson, and Jeffrey. Recently, Pastor Subui has been bringing two to four men each month to spend a week with our ministry for training in soul winning. When we were on furlough last summer, two of our supporting churches contributed funds to help build children’s department structures for Pastor Boateng’s church and for Pastor Subui’s church. Thank you!

Hyles-Anderson College of West Africa

It has been my privilege since 2008 to help oversee our Bible college and teach students like these men. What a blessing it is to invest in men such as I have written about this month. Please pray that God continues to send us the right students. Please pray that God gives us the wisdom and grace we need to instruct them properly. Pray for God to continue to use our graduates. Thank you for the part you have had in these three ministries and others like them.

Mike, Maria, Joy, Faith, and Ben Sarver