Mike and Ruth Morrissey Prayer Letter: I’m Not a “Young Preacher” Anymore!
Well, it is official: I am now “over the hill.” I apologize for my delay in sending this letter, but through that delay, it just so happens, without any intention on my part, that I am now writing this letter on my 40th birthday. Though I h [...]
Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: God Has Been So Good to Us!
We hope you had wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. God has been so good to us during the past few months, and we have many things for which to be thankful. We are especially grateful to those who prayed and gave towards Chri [...]
Montana and Kellie Morrow Prayer Letter: Uplifted Hearts
This holiday season was BUSY!! We started off November with a Fall Festival for our English Sunday School ministry. We had games, prizes, food, bounce houses, and a message brought by Pastor Jerry. It was a well-attended event with over 120 [...]