Daniel and Megan Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Pray for Our Visa PaperworkWe flew back to the U.S. at the end of August to finish the last few deputation meetings we had scheduled and to work on Megan’s residency paperwork.

While we were down in El Salvador, we were able to visit some public schools and give a simple Gospel presentation, and around 300 students raised their hands to receive Christ as Saviour!

Will you be in prayer for the visa paperwork to go smoothly? We were able to go to a Salvadoran Consulate on October 8 and send in our marriage license. It takes 15 days or more to get it approved, and once it’s approved, we can move on to apply for her residency. We will have to return back to the States in about 6 months to get more paperwork stamped by the state of North Carolina. Pray that we can be efficient with our time, to get it all finished in one go and not have to make multiple trips. Thankfully, they recently just changed the visa from 3 months to 6 months so we can stay longer. In the meantime, we will be finishing up some committed meetings we had already booked with a few churches. We do have tickets to fly back to El Salvador on November 13. We are packing up the rest of our belongings we left from our last move. We are excited to get back to El Salvador and jump right back in to the work there.

Thank you to all who have supported us not only financially but prayerfully. We will be spending our first Thanksgiving and Christmas in El Salvador. We are thankful that we will be able to spend that time with my parents.

For His glory,

The Gonzalez Family