Dave and Mary Beth Solt Prayer Letter: Happy 2025!
Preparing the Way Happy 2025! The year 2024 went by so fast! It was a year of growth and blessing, with a heavy dose of hard work. Our church was filled with new families from many countries. It was exciting to see all of the children fill [...]
Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: A New Ministry?
The people of Ghana are so open to the Gospel. Here is some good news about several Ghanaians who received the Good News recently. The Power of an Invitation Several months ago, Maria invited a lady to church by handing her a Gospel tract. [...]
Israel and Tonya Alvarez Prayer Letter: Blessings!
We had the opportunity to have Evangelist Darrell Ratcliff and his family visit Belize. The goal was to get the Gospel out in our area schools. In 5 days, we were able to go to 8 schools, and more than 3,000 children, teens, and adults hear [...]