Paul and Jolie Sock Prayer Letter: Showers of Blessing!
There was a lot of flooding in southern Poland, which also led into certain cities and caused much flooding there. We still don't know how many people have lost their lives, but much damage has been done to people's properties. When we firs [...]
Team Ghana Update: Mission Trips to Ghana
What a joy it was to share our mission field with two different groups over the last couple of months! Vision Clinics We partnered with Dr. & Mrs. Greg (Linda) Waller of Truth for Today Medical Missions and a missions team of 15, organ [...]
Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: “Mine Eye Affecteth Mine Heart” – Miracles in Pakistan
From September 6 through September 16, we spent an amazing 9 days in 20 different locations in Pakistan, thriving churches in the fiercely Islamic country of Pakistan. We traveled over 1,300 miles by van to 18 different locations. Two pasto [...]