Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Good News from a Far Country“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” (Proverbs 25:25) We were especially blessed and refreshed in May with Christa’s parents visiting us from the U.S. They had originally planned to come in April, but my mother-in-law, Cindy Kelly, had to be in the hospital due to pneumonia and a mass on her lungs. We praise the Lord that she is recovering well, although she’s still not fully recovered. We enjoyed showing them around our city, as well as spending a day along the coast. We were able to show them how it is to live here, as well as explain what we’ve learned about reaching the Uruguayan people. My in-laws were able to bring 10 suitcases with them. They brought some much-needed items for our family, as well as items for our church. We now have a large number of tracts, Chick tracts, and John & Romans, as well as some Bibles and songbooks. We also received the items that some of you purchased off of our Amazon wish list. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for your help! We also want to say a special thanks to our home church, as well as my brother-in-law Sean, for helping make this trip possible.

First Ladies’ Meeting

We held our first Ladies’ Meeting in our home the Friday before Mother’s Day. Christa worked hard to prepare a Bible lesson for the ladies, as well as games and activities that they would enjoy. We are thankful for the four ladies who came to be a part of it! Christa also went to the Ladies’ Meeting at the church we were helping in previously. Christa played the piano and helped in other ways as well.

Witnessing Opportunities

A Venezuelan lady named Yamilsa reached out to us over Facebook requesting some help. She then came to church and has been coming faithfully. She has a Catholic background. At first it sounded like she was saved, but now it seems like there are a variety of unbiblical ideas that she has, including not believing that she’s a sinner. Please pray for her salvation! I also met Erick going door to door. His wife and children had just left him, and he was struggling with drugs and depression. He has come to church. Another man who has gone through a similar experience and I tried to encourage him. Please pray for him to have victory over drugs, as well as the restoration of his marriage. I met a man at the park while Christa was hosting the ladies. He didn’t get saved, but I had a good conversation with him about why we are here in Uruguay. He seems to believe in reincarnation. He told me that he at least wants to help us with our project of giving winter items to the homeless. Christa had several good conversations with her taxi drivers. During one such conversation, a man who has a Catholic background but no longer goes to church mentioned that since he is a good person and believes in God, he will no longer concern himself with Heaven. He didn’t believe that Heaven was important enough to concern himself with further discussion. Please pray for us as we continue to minister and witness to the Uruguayan community.

Thank you for continuing to give and pray! We love you all so much.

Your missionaries to Uruguay,

Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, Emmalynn, and Elizabeth Simmons