November has been a busy time for us, as we were in 13 different churches across Texas, Oklahoma, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, and Michigan. The Lord blessed by using us to add to His family in 2 ways. First, we were at New Testament Baptist Church of Northfield, Ohio, with Pastor Brian Miller, and 3 people raised their hands for salvation after I preached the Sunday morning message. Then, about 2 weeks later, we were at a Missions Conference with Pastor John Doss of Faith Baptist Church of Richmond, Kentucky, and 2 young ladies raised their hands for salvation after I preached on a Saturday evening and were dealt with at the altar. The next day during the morning Junior Church, a first-time visitor raised her hand for salvation and was also dealt with at the altar. Praise the Lord for 6 people saved during the month of November!
Also, many of you have been praying for Sandra during her pregnancy. I am ecstatic to announce that Joanna Alin Barker was born November 27, 2024, at 8:42 a.m. She was born a healthy 7 pounds and measured in at 19 inches long. We were even able to be released from the hospital the next day and make it to Roanoke Baptist Church of Roanoke, Indiana, for a Thanksgiving family get-together. The rest of our children are adjusting well. The oldest 3 have all taken turns feeding her a bottle, and our 1-year-old Alex will try to hand her the blanket whenever she starts crying (I guess he figures if it calms him down, so it must calm her as well).
Finally, continue to pray for our visas to get approved. We are expecting to hear something one way or the other in the month of December. Please note this is just for 5 of us. We will be submitting the 300-plus pages for Joanna and Alex’s visas through the mail as soon as Joanna’s passport arrives in December. (It is a blessing that due to their ages, we don’t need another in-person interview.) Due to most of our visas taking over 2 months to process and various other setbacks, we have had to delay our scheduled departure date until March 6. Our final exit interview is scheduled for March 3, and we are continuing to make preparations for the move.
We pray for all of our supporters on a regular basis. From our hearts to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Working hard to bring fruit to your account,
Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry, Alex, & Joanna Barker
- With Pastor Josh Mendenhall of Victory Baptist Church of Charleston, South Carolina
- With Pastor Adam Pearson of Bible Baptist Church of El Reno, Oklahoma
- Joanna says, “H!”
- With Pastor Doug Rogers of Berean Baptist Church of Adrian, Michigan
- With Pastor John Doss of Faith Baptist Church of Richmond, Kentucky
- With Pastor Phil Hilditch of Victory Baptist Church of Mentor, Ohio
- With Pastor James Murray of Forest Hills Baptist Church of Hartsville, South Carolina
- With Pastor Mickey Ellis of Poteau Valley Baptist Church of Poteau, Oklahoma