Garry and Mindy Tingson Prayer Letter:  The Church Continues On!It’s starting to get cold here in Port Macquarie. When I say “cold,” I mean 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and around 50 degrees at night. It’s not as cold as what we were used to in Michigan, but our bodies seem to have become acclimated to the Aussie weather. The colder weather does have its advantages, however. Going out soul winning is more tolerable for our bodies. One of our men has been going out in his neighbourhood with his son. His son has started to enjoy going out and has decided that he wants to do it every week from now on. Praise the Lord! Another man in our church, who has only been saved for three years, is so excited to go door-knocking with us this month and is on fire for the Lord. Please continue to pray for our efforts here in Port Macquarie.

With the change of weather also comes sicknesses. Most of our household was hit with some kind of cold or flu. Our youngest child Isla was diagnosed with walking pneumonia and was hospitalised for two nights. It took her a few weeks to recover, but once she did, she was back to her talkative self. I was also out for a couple of weeks with the flu, and I praise the Lord that I have able men who can preach in my stead when I am away. At the moment, I have two men I am training to become pastors one day.

In April, our son Rhys got the chance to attend a Teen Camp up in Brisbane, hosted by Good Shepherd Baptist Church. It was a good time for him to fellowship and meet other teens his age that are of like faith. He fit right in and enjoyed his time there. His team even won in the overall camp competition! The theme of the camp was “Built Up in Him.” There were many decisions made, and even a few teens made professions of faith. Glory to God! Please pray for Rhys, as he’s the only teen in our church, but he enjoys helping out with the children. Thank you to those who sent care packages from America!

The programs of the church continue on. This month, we’ll be adding a weekly men’s prayer and Bible study. Most of our ladies volunteered to be involved as Sunday school teachers. The Lord answered our prayers with a “new to us” trailer, which we can use to transport our church equipment to our location every Sunday. I love the atmosphere in our little country coastal town church. We like to have fun! Our Bible reader was even sporting a baby in a baby carrier as he read the Scriptures last Sunday.

Please continue to pray for the Lord’s work here in Port Macquarie. The Lord has been blessing, and we couldn’t do what we do if it wasn’t for your continued prayers and support!

Your servant in Christ,

Garry Tingson