I wrote in November about three of our graduates returning to Liberia to start churches. Well, praise the Lord, those churches have been started. Please pray for Bro. Anthony Zuapeawon, assisted by Bro. Sylvester Gonquoi, as they lead one church, and Bro. Junior Gaye as he pastors the other.
Here on the home front, I am very pleased about these members of our Sunday school class who have recently started joining us for soul winning.
• Rachel Agyemang was invited to our church by Maria, and she started attending four years ago. Now Rachel works in our Christian school. We enjoyed seeing her class sing and quote their Bible verses during recent school programs. We are very happy that she now goes soul winning with Maria. )
• Pastor Paul Amissah is from Ghana, but he served as a missionary to Italy for many years. But now he has “retired.” Although he stays about an hour away, he believes he should serve with us at our church. He has a great spirit and a zeal for souls. His wife Helena comes to church with him, and she is doing our discipleship curriculum.
• Oteng Amaniampong was living near our church for several years, but he only visited once or twice. He attended the Church of the Pentecost faithfully, but within the last year, he became dissatisfied with that church and decided to visit ours once again. When he came, we shared the Gospel with him, and he trusted Christ. Ironically, he then moved over half-hour away, but he still attends all of our services; plus, he comes soul winning with me on Saturdays. He lives in the direction of Pastor Paul, so sometimes he is able to catch a ride with him. Oteng is making progress through our discipleship curriculum.
Also, I would like to praise the Lord for the growth of our Sunday school class. In 2024, we averaged 111 adults. To God be the glory for what He is doing!
Prayer Requests
Pray for our class to grow spiritually. Pray also for God to continue to send our Bible college the right students. Our family will be on furlough from the end of May until the end of July this year. We will begin in the Northwest Indiana area, travel to Virginia for most of June, and then return North. Pray that God will use us to minister to others as we travel.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Mike, Maria, Joy, Faith, and Ben Sarver
- Maria with new convert Angela (on left) and new soul winner Rachel (on right)
- New Soul Winners – Pastor Paul and Brother Oteng