Another month has come and gone, with more improvements made to the church property, as our ministry is constantly growing and expanding. We received approval from the owner of the land behind our church building, allowing us to clear and level the land for our Junior Church tents, volleyball net, and small soccer field. The land was overgrown, as the neighbors had used it as a mini dumpsite; so it took many days and hours of digging, weed eating, and pouring gravel. The church had a “Welcome to Our Church” BBQ for the neighbors around the church property. We spent one evening inviting our neighbors and telling them again about our church and what we have to offer them and their families. The BBQ was a wonderful time of good food and fellowship!
Our church celebrated Mother’s Day, August 9, in honor of the Queen of Thailand’s birthday. We had little flowers for the children to give to their mothers to pay her honor and respect. The children who didn’t have a mother gave flowers to Missy and a few other ladies in the church. We also had our first church ladies’ meeting in the afternoon on that same day, with 98 ladies in attendance. It was encouraging to see our ladies get excited about inviting their friends to this special event.
As we serve here, not a week goes by that I don’t say to my wife, “We are so blessed to serve such amazing people!” We have a lady in the church, Wawa, who was left a widow at the age of 43. She has an adult daughter and a teenage son. She has gone through different jobs since her husband passed away last year, and life has not been easy for her; but her faith in God is strong. Recently she got a job working 12-hour days at a restaurant. Her boss requires each employee to work Sundays also. Wawa went to him a few months back and said that she would work for free on Sunday evenings if he would allow her to have Sunday mornings off. Just this week, as our family was making church visits, we stopped to see Wawa. She told us that her boss noticed how much more happy she is when she gets to go to church. The boss told her that he would allow her to have Sunday mornings off and that she did not have to work for free on Sunday evenings. Wawa also shared with us that every evening after work, she invites the other workers from the restaurant (who can’t come to church) to her home, and together they sing, pray, and read the Bible together.
A few Sundays ago, Wawa greeted Missy, and they began to talk. She showed Missy her swollen and scarred hands from her work (cutting vegetables and meat) the night before. She told my wife that just when she thinks she can’t work anymore, God gives her the strength to get through another night. That day in church, Wawa sweetly sang the special, “Have Thine Own Way Lord.” What a testimony she is of faithfulness to God with a joyful, Christian spirit!
Mark and Lauren started back to school this month. Lauren is in fourth grade, and Mark is in third. We’re thankful for good homeschooling curriculum and the opportunity to have this time with our children while they are learning and growing.
Missy and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary on August 2, and it is a wonderful thought to know that over half of our married lives, we have been missionaries to Thailand. It has been an incredible adventure that keeps getting better and better!
This month Missy and I led 12 people to Christ, and we are thrilled to know the Thai people are ready to hear the truth!
We trust you are encouraged to see that your giving is not in vain. We count it a privilege to represent you in Thailand.
For Him,
Tim Shook
- Khun Wawa (in the pink) singing “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”a with Dudu (in the green)
- Pi Luck and Missy at the ladies’ meeting
- Church BBQ games
- Bro. Scott Mercer and I clearing and working on the land behind the church
- Khun Pong and Khun Singadt working on the land