Gospel Outreach
God provided us with many opportunities in recent days to give out the Gospel. We were able to hand out just over 1,000 tracts at a Christmas parade and many others at stores and places of business. It is a blessing to brighten someone’s day with a little gift and meet other believers as well.
Bus Work
I was able to help eight churches with their buses, including going to help at Crossroads Baptist Church. Although there is so much work still to be done there, God opened a door to witness to a Muslim business owner next door to the church. He was very interested in coming to church and having his children ride the bus. Please pray for this man and his family.
Ministry at Home
We were thrilled to be able to teach the children’s church on our special Sunday for the bus kids at our home church. There were over 50 kids there who heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. I also had the opportunity to preach, and Lauretta had the opportunity to sing recently. We enjoy having a part in ministering to the needs of our church. Lauretta and our children encouraged some sweet members who were not feeling well by bringing them a note and flowers. It’s a blessing to be a blessing.
Praise and Prayer
God answered a big prayer request we had about adding a utility bed on our ministry truck to be better able to help churches fix their vehicles. God used many folks to provide for this need. We were so blessed by the outpouring of love offerings to meet this need. Now we have another need for the truck’s engine to be fixed. Please pray with us about this big need as well.
Prayer Requests
• Salvation of Reese and Daisy
• Divine appointments
• Funds for the repair of our truck
• Meetings for 2025
Keep the Buses Going,
The Hannel Family
Marco, Lauretta, Enoch, Alice, Reese, and Daisy
Luke 14:23
- Christmas Bus Banquet at Our Church
- Utility Bed for Our Truck
- Giving the Gospel at the Parade
- Daisy’s 1st Birthday!