Your prayers are essential. In the over 16 years we have served in Thailand, there have been so many blessings, with a trial or two along the way. The last month has shown us that God is always in the midst of every storm. He promises never to leave us or forsake us. We have had to face multiple trials that cause our hearts to break, but we thank the Lord that He binds the brokenhearted. Of what we are able to share today, we will have two national staff families leaving on the best of terms. Tan and his wife Pim will continue to serve God here in Thailand working with BEST ministries, and we know Tan will continue to do a fantastic job serving and growing in the Lord. Tan has worked with excellency for us for 10 years now. Star and his wife Rain wanted very much to stay on the team; but, as Burmese refugees, they are being required to relocate to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where there is a large community of Burmese, Thai, and Karen people. While we are all sad, as we have worked with them for 9 years, we know that God is going to use them greatly there, reaching folks with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Times like these require a humble, renewed focus on the Lord, keeping our hearts yielded to serve in new ways. Please pray for these men and their families. We thank the Lord for the victories He has given both churches recently.
Nong Phlap – Christmas Big Day, December 15, 2024 (Over 700 in attendance)
We again decided to use the nearby King’s Park facilities to welcome our people, friends, family, and workers to a 2-day event in Nong Phlap. On Saturday, over 100 came to help us set up the church, Junior Church, and sports courts (volleyball and takraw) for tournament play on Saturday and Sunday. This year, we didn’t have marketing or wide-scope invitations, planning for 400 or 500, similar to last year’s event. God brought 700 on Sunday. We ran out of food and small gifts, but nobody was concerned. Our guests came for good Bible preaching, Godly music, and fellowship. We had 3 services at 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. Pong preached the first hour, Star preached the second hour, and I preached the third hour. Each service had new attendees and visitors. At least 35 souls heard the Gospel for the first time and were saved. My wife Sarah managed a huge Junior Church event, with 150 kids in a separate building. The kids practiced for weeks, reenacting the Christmas story for the adults.
Hua Hin – Christmas Big Day, December 22, 2024 (Over 300 in attendance)
I was busy doing the preaching and overseeing the Big Day in Hua Hin, as well as Nong Phlap this year. In Hua Hin, our building will seat 100-plus comfortably, while outside we could pack the tented parking lot with chairs, open the three sliding doors, and use speakers outside for a large indoor/outdoor event. At least 20 souls heard the Gospel for the first time and were saved. So many of our church members and staff worked to serve food, greet visitors, and ensure a pleasant experience in a packed-out facility. We have had several families return to church from this event. They were saved on that day and are so eager to learn more of the Lord Jesus. Several music specials were sung, and our family sang, with my son Forest playing on the guitar. Our staff planned and organized everything so well; even though it was crowded, it just flowed.
Special Christmas Midweek Services, December 25 & 26
During the week of Christmas, we took the opportunity to thank our hardworking staff and members with Christmas-cookie parties at both churches. Our next-door neighbors came to one of those services, and their hearts were full, meeting and fellowshipping with our people.
Soul Winning Cures
It is greatly encouraging and often therapeutic to give the Gospel to a lost soul who has never heard of God’s amazing grace. It warms my heart and helps me have more hope through times of sorrow, like light in the dark. During the months of November and December, God allowed our family to see 37 precious souls come to know Him while out soul winning.
2025 Fall Furlough
Prayed up and planned out several years ago, our fall 2025 furlough will be our opportunity to relay God’s gracious Thailand works in person. The people and ministries here give fantastic opportunities for your heart to be softened. So many need the Lord in Thailand, as superstitions weigh heavily, redefining the term lost. We would greatly enjoy presenting in your church.
Thank you again everybody for your prayers and encouragements. I’m not sure where we would be without you.
Friends in the Lord,
Bro. Chad Inman & Family
- Nong Phlap King’s Park 12/15 Christmas
- Jo Saved
- Hua Hin 12/22 Christmas
- Staff Christmas Party
- Hua Hin 12/22 Christmas
- Forest on Guitar
- Hua Hin 12/22 Christmas
- Young Man Saved Friday Morning
- Thanksgiving with Ms. Shari House and the Painters
- The Christmas Story Team
- Near Nong Phlap
- Packing Up for Christmas
- Near Nong Phlap
- Souls Saved – Church Members’ Neighbors
- Nong Phlap King’s Park 12/15 Christmas
- Three Souls Saved
- Nong Phlap King’s Park 12/15 Christmas
- The Lord Gave Us New Tires for Our Truck – $165
- Former Neighbor Faithful to Church
- Nong Phlap King’s Park 12/15 Christmas
- Wednesday Night Christmas
- Preaching
- Thursday Night Christmas
- Kids’ Special Practice
- Father’s Day in December
- 12/29 Nong Phlap Service
- Christmas at the Language School
- Souls Saved in the Wilderness
- Hua Hin 12/22 Christmas
- Hua Hin 12/22 Christmas
- Nong Phlap King’s Park 12/15 Christmas
- Nong Phlap King’s Park 12/15 Christmas
- November Youth Activity
- Echoo Family Members Saved
- Kids’ Christmas Cookies
- Nong Phlap King’s Park 12/15 Christmas
- Kids’ Practice