Much has happened since our last letter. It is our joy to report what the Lord has done. This enables you to see that God is at work in Cambodia. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Special events allow us to invite new people. Such was the case with our 18th Anniversary service. We had a total of 43 people, which included 16 adults. My children took the initiative to decorate the church with a spectacular balloon-arch display, under which many people took a portrait picture. Then later during our Christmas program, they made some very significant contributions to the Nativity play.
Our Christmas celebration was well attended. I didn’t get a count, but it was certainly comparable to the anniversary service, with a good number of the parents of our Sunday school children among the first-time visitors.
Also in December, my wife organized a Ladies’ Meeting. We have done this on a yearly basis in honor of her mother. It is a wonderful time to invite the ladies of our church, as well as visitors.
Finally, we hosted our yearly New Year’s Eve service. Each person received a printed Bible promise. I promised to pray that the Lord would work in their lives in relation to their specific verse.
The Lord enabled us to reach a number of children several years ago, who have continued to attend up to the present. Now they are in their early teens. As they mature and come out of their childish innocence, they begin in earnest to face life’s complications and sometimes heartaches. Many of them call us Mom and Dad, showing their need of a refuge from difficult home situations.
In addition to the teens, there is another core group of preteen children, who have become very faithful since last June. Along with their childish behavior, they also have childlike qualities, such as simple trust, which is precious in the sight of the Lord. We are doing our best to teach the basics of music and the songs of Zion, so that they will “make melody in their hearts to the Lord” from an early age (Ephesians 5:19).
Recently, my wife and our daughter had the joy of seeing two adult ladies receive Christ. Their children come faithfully to church. In our last letter, I mentioned five others who had also prayed for salvation. Out of these seven, one has recently been baptized. His name is Rosa (boy), and we have seen a definite change in his life. The rest will hopefully follow him in baptism soon.
My wife and daughter just left for India. They will participate in a Women’s Conference. The main speaker is Mrs. Robin Ogle, and my wife will translate for her. My daughter will sing some special numbers.
Last Thanksgiving, my son was in Thailand. His school, which uses the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum, joined with 127 other similar ACE schools from all over Asia to compete in various activities. Joseph and his singing group were among the top 6 finalists. Both he and Jerusha will be heading off to college in the U.S. next summer.
Please pray for:
• Our children’s future education and training.
• My wife and daughter in India (through the first week in February).
• More souls to be saved and baptized in 2025.
Walter Poole and Family
- A well-deserved medal
- Well-wishers greeting us after a successful evangelism campaign—they cannot contain their excitement! (JUST KIDDING!)
- Rosa getting baptized
- Bible Promise—Isaiah 41:10
- Jimmy with the white shirt (one of our teens) and his grandparents, first-time visitors
- 18th Anniversary Service