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Team Thailand Update: His Word Never Returns Void

2024-06-25T13:03:17-05:00June 20th, 2024|Categories: Team Thailand, Team Updates|Tags: , |

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for the work of Team Thailand! Our families are privileged to work together and blessed to serve with wonderful Thai, Burmese, and Karen Christians. This year, we are focusing on canvassing o [...]

Team Thailand Update: Many Blessings

2024-01-29T08:33:16-06:00January 30th, 2024|Categories: Team Thailand, Team Updates|Tags: , |

We have many blessings to share with you all, so let’s jump into it. Some of this news has already been published through our family prayer letters and other encouraging letters from Team Thailand members, but I trust this will be a blessin [...]

Team Thailand Update: In a Land of Spiritual Darkness, Our Light Can Shine All the Brighter for Christ!

2023-09-15T14:03:05-05:00September 17th, 2023|Categories: Team Thailand, Team Updates|

What a blessing it is to serve God here in this needy country where, in a land of spiritual darkness, our light for Christ can shine all the brighter! The longer Team Thailand lives and serves here, the more we see the devastating effects o [...]

Team Thailand Update: Enjoying the Mighty Blessings and Power of God!

2023-04-12T16:26:11-05:00April 17th, 2023|Categories: Team Thailand, Team Updates|Tags: , |

Team Thailand is enjoying the mighty blessings and power of God! We have, since our Fall Programs, seen multiple families, who came during those special days, that have returned and are now faithful members. Each Sunday morning, Bro. Sakrap [...]

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