This month we had the opportunity to enjoy three different evenings of fellowship and Bible-study time in the homes of our church members. One of our faithful Karen ladies, Khun Wan (pictured below with Missy), opened her home on a Tuesday evening, and she invited her neighbors and friends to come too. There were over 60 people in attendance. I was able to teach from God’s Word, and there was a time of singing, testimonies, and prayer. Please pray for Khun Wan. She has been a Christian for several years now. Her husband is a recovering alcoholic who received Christ as his Saviour several months ago while attending our church. Khun Wan is burdened for her family, as they are unsaved, but she remains a shining light at home and in her community! The people in her village are very receptive, and we are praying about starting a church in that area in the near future.
One of our Burmese church members (pictured below in the white shirt with stripes), who attended the fellowship at Khun Wan’s home, gave a testimony of how the Lord has helped him grow as a result of being a part of our church. He also asked that we pray for the Lord to bring more Burmese people to the church and that the Lord would allow our church to start a Burmese ministry. Right now the Burmese folks who come to church attend the Thai services. They understand a great deal of the Thai language, as they have relocated here for work. It’s our prayer that God will one day call several of our trained Burmese men to reach their own people for Him.
Recently one of our newer church members, Khun Chatjen, has gotten excited about winning souls to Christ. This past week on his time off, he was able to win 12 people to Christ at the train station in town. I have had the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with him, training him in the area of soul winning. We went out together just the other day, and God allowed us to see 2 adults and 3 teenagers come to Christ. It is a wonderful experience to see a newer convert growing in the Lord and having a desire to share the Gospel. Please pray that God will encourage Chatjen’s spirit, as he has experienced some hard times regarding his family and health.
My wife and I have been able to lead 13 people to Christ this month. As you pray for us, will you pray that the Lord would continue to help us learn the language?
Our family is flying out of Bangkok for America on October 3. We will be attending a conference in Indiana and a missions conference at my wife’s home church in Omaha, Nebraska. We will return to Thailand on October 29. We would appreciate your prayers for us as we fly and then travel Stateside.
We are constantly humbled at all that God is doing here in Thailand. Thank you for faithfully praying and supporting us as we represent you in Southeast Asia. The harvest is white, and we are excitedly working, for we know the night is coming. Pray with us that God will send more laborers!
For Him,
Tim Shook
- One of our faithful Karen ladies, Khun Wan, opened her home for a Bible study.
- Please pray that God would allow us to start a Burmese ministry in our church.
- One of our newer church members, Khun Chatjen, has gotten excited about soul winning.