There is joy in serving Jesus! What a wonderful month we had in April as we continued down the deputation road. Thank you for your continued prayer and support! We started off the month with Old Time Baptist Church in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Pastor Ludwick and the dear people there were such a blessing to us. An extra highlight was the opportunity to preach on the West Virginia Gospel Voice (WVGV) radio station that Saturday during their share-a-thon! That was my first time preaching on the radio, and I am very thankful to Bro. Araiza and Pastor Ludwick, who coordinated that time.
The next weekend was Resurrection Sunday, and we had the joy to celebrate with our friends in Steger, Illinois, at Victory Hill Baptist Church. It was a lot of fun to go out soul winning on Saturday! We passed out tracts with flower seeds stapled to them, a neat idea that helped get people’s attention! I would love to use that strategy in England one day! On Sunday, Pastor Kilgore gave me the great honor of preaching the morning service. What a wonderful Sunday we had!
From Illinois, we hit the pause button on deputation for a week to celebrate the wedding ceremony of Luke and Elizabeth Strong in Abingdon, Virginia, with my wife’s family. What a sweet time! Ruby also had the opportunity to be a flower girl! We then traveled to Mabscott, West Virginia, to be with Mabscott Baptist Church. Pastor Stalnaker graciously had me preach both services. The Stalnaker family are incredible Christians, and we loved spending time with them and their church family. We concluded the month with a flight down to San Antonio, Texas, to be with Texas Baptist Church. This church and pastor are such a blessing to be around. It was an honor to present and preach during their evening service.
Soul Report
In the month of April, we were able to present the Gospel to six souls, with one accepting Christ. While out door knocking apartments in San Antonio, I met Jesús, who was setting up for a birthday party. During our conversation, I asked him if he was sure that Heaven was his home. He responded, “I believe I would end up in limbo.” Fifteen minutes later, he received Christ. Hallelujah!
Family Update
We are excited to let you know about our scheduled trip to England this upcoming July. We will be returning for two weeks to help run the Vacation Bible School at our home church in Preston. It has been almost two years since we were back in England, so it will be wonderful to reacquaint ourselves with friends and family. We will be taking half of our belongings with us on this trip. We look forward to the day we return permanently. Praise the Lord, our support is now up to 25%! Thank you, friend, for taking the time to read our update and for your prayers and support.
Prayer Requests
1. Opportunities to present the Gospel
2. Wisdom as we continue to book meetings
3. Ruby’s British citizenship application
4. VBS at Wycliffe (July 26-30)
May our lives glorify Him,
Daniel, Rachel, and Ruby Solt
- The Solt and Stalnaker families at Mabscott Baptist Church in Mabscott, West Virginia
- Rachel, Ruby, and I with Pastor & Mrs. Leonard Ludwick of Old Time Baptist Church, Clarksburg, West Virginia
- Pastor & Mrs. Keith Bell of Texas Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas, with Rachel, Ruby, and me
- Pastor & Mrs. Terry Kilgore, Victory Hill Baptist Church, Steger, Illinois, with Rachel, Ruby, and me
- Our little Ruby was the bridesmaid for the wedding of Luke & Elizabeth Strong