Brian and Liesl George Prayer Letter: Missions ConferenceDuring March, we made a 10-hour trip to Posadas, Misiones, to be with our son Benjamin. He is starting a new church! While we were there, our daughter Rose had her 15th birthday. I took her to the Iguazu Falls to see the spectacular wonders of the falls!

During April, we had our annual Missions Conference here at Bethel Baptist Church. The church supports 28 missionaries serving in Argentina, Ecuador, Cuba, Venezuela, and the United States. Our people have giving hearts, and we were able to increase our giving by 200%. Praise the Lord! Our church just sent out our first foreign missionary to Chile. The Rodrigo Contreras family just left for Chile to start churches. We are super excited for this family that is living by faith. They need monthly support and a vehicle to do the work of the Lord. Please pray for this family!

Bethel Baptist Church is going strong! We have over 60 students in our Bible college, and the church is full to overflowing every Sunday. We are working on starting new churches all over the northern area of Argentina. We are seeing growth and revival among our church plants. There is a need for chairs, benches, PA systems, megaphones, Bibles, baptisteries, vehicles, buses, etc. Our men have started to make benches out of pallet wood. Please pray for the urgent need for 1,000 plastic stackable chairs. Praise the Lord!

During the first week of July, I will be in Texas to visit my mother in a nursing home. She is 84 years old, and I would like to spend a few days with her. I will be in the U.S. for just one week. Pray that my travels will go smoothly and that I will be able to get some much-needed supplies into my suitcases and back to Argentina.

Thank you for your prayers and regular support! We are very grateful for all your help! May God richly bless you!

Here to serve,

Brian R. George and Family