Dan and Lana Siemer Prayer Letter: Our Lord Rewards Us All According to His PromisesYesterday, Memorial Day reminded us to consider those who paid the ultimate price for our nation’s liberty, blessings, and opportunities. Providentially, I read and was captivated by Hebrews 6:10-12. What an honor it is to serve our righteous God and to follow in the steps of “. . . them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (v. 12) Our Lord indeed rewards us all according to His promises. All the glory is His for what He has done and continues to do over the centuries. He is truly trustworthy.

By God’s grace, the medical course at Hyles-Anderson College and the Spanish Bible Institute missions course finished well. I was very encouraged by the diligence of the students and the anticipation of what God will do through them in the years to come.

We’re now intent on preparing for the busiest part of FBMI’s year. Candidate School, focused on selecting and preparing new missionaries for deputation, will be in June. Missions University, a great and cooperative effort to build new and veteran missionaries, will follow in July. This year especially, we’ve been reminded that while technical tools have rapidly developed, so also have the corresponding threats. These require wise adjustments. Our diligent walk with God, with a sure hope, is so vital (v. 11).

It’s a wonderful thing that serving Him is characterized by such vibrancy—no two days are the same. As we seek to know and obey His will, we never know what the day will bring, yet we’re alert to what the adversaries are doing. This is especially true while living and serving God in a foreign land and culture. One dare not be slothful (v. 12).

We’ve continued to knock doors in South Holland, regularly seeing folks trust Christ as Saviour. This past Saturday, it was my joy and privilege to lead a veteran teacher of special-needs children to Christ. The Lord provided common ground when she learned that Lana directs that same department at our church.

Please pray for our health, as both Lana and I are dealing with some challenges. We’d also appreciate prayer (1) for my upcoming missions trip to Japan, (2) that we might make the best use of the summer, (3) for preparation for the Missions Conferences in the fall, and (4) for mission trips to come.

With deep gratitude for your prayers and support,

Dan and Lana Siemer