Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter:  Answered PrayerWe are so thankful for God’s guidance throughout the month of June. A major prayer was answered this month with the arrival of Ruby’s British passport! Praise the Lord, she now has her citizenship! Thank you so much for praying! We began June in Richmond, Virginia, spending the first Sunday with two churches (pictured). God gave us sweet services, and it was an honor to deliver the messages at each church. Driving through our nation’s capital, we made our way to Seaford, Delaware, to be with First Baptist Church. We loved their vibrancy for the Lord. It was a great church!

Returning to Richmond, we enjoyed spending the following Sunday with Gateway Baptist Church in Chester. Pastor DeMoss and his wife are close friends from college. A highlight from that time was going out soul winning with Pastor and both of us each having the opportunity to lead someone to the Lord! God also gave us a wonderful time with their church family, which included preaching the Sunday services.

Our travels then led us across Pennsylvania to Niles, Ohio, to be with Evansville Baptist Church, where my wife’s brother-in-law, AJ Harris, is the pastor. It was a thrill to meet the church family on Father’s Day Sunday and to spend the rest of the following week helping them with their Vacation Bible School. God used us to lead six souls to the Lord during the week! This included two saved while out soul winning and four saved in our VBS children’s class. God triumphed over Satan’s efforts! Praise the Lord!

Staying in Ohio, we spent the next Sunday with New Testament Baptist Church in Northfield. Pastor Miller and the church family were a great encouragement to us during that time! Moving south, we drove to Ashland, Kentucky, to be with Crossroads Baptist Church. The church was so kind to us, and we left refreshed after our time with them. Due to a cancellation on the last Sunday, we visited one of our supporting churches in West Virginia. Oak Grove Baptist Church was yet again a blessing to our family, and it was a humbling joy to preach the Sunday services.

Soul Report

June was an amazing month! Throughout the month, we were able to witness to eleven souls, with seven accepting Christ. Here is an amazing story! We were out soul winning in a trailer park in Niles, Ohio, and started a conversation with a mother named Theresa. She was very interested in enrolling her children in the upcoming Vacation Bible School. With her being so open, I began to witness to her, and she sweetly bowed her head and accepted Jesus. The following week, we had the joy of leading her eldest daughter to Christ at VBS. Praise the Lord!

Family Update

This month gave our family many opportunities to recoup after a busy spring. We were able to take a few days and see some historical sites, including visits to Washington, D.C. and the battlefield of Gettysburg! With Ruby’s citizenship now confirmed, we rehired our immigration lawyer to begin processing Rachel’s visa application.

The visa is much more in-depth and heavily scrutinized. Please pray! Our support has now climbed to 82%. God is good! Thank you for your care and “communication”! It is a joy to serve Jesus with you!

Ruby’s Adventures

Our travels led us to visit three American Civil War battlefields this month! Ruby’s fascination was the cannons that overlooked the fields—she even wanted a picture with one. She also enjoyed spending a week of playtime with her cousin Natasha in Ohio.

May our lives glorify Him,

Daniel, Rachel, and Ruby Solt