Mshama and Martha Kinyonga Prayer Letter: Tanzania UpdateWe are praying that you all are having a wonderful summer. We know many folks go on vacation, go to Youth Conferences, or have Vacation Bible Schools and other different things. We hope that whatever your summer holds, it goes well.

Cancer Journey Update

We wanted to take a moment to give you an update on Martha’s health and share what the doctors are saying. The scan showed rapid growth of the cancer in the liver. Because it started in the colon but moved to another organ, to them, it is incurable, and they want to do chemotherapy indefinitely in order to keep it from spreading/growing. They said that her type of cancer just has bad biology, so there is nothing they have at the moment that can destroy it. This was not the news we had prayed for, but we are CONFIDENT that the Lord will show favor and do a complete healing. We continue to covet your prayers, and we are completely honored and humbled that you would take the time to pray for us and our family.

I thank God for technology because I can keep in contact regularly with my assistant pastors and staff members back in Tanzania. Since my family cannot travel with me, I have been and will continue to travel back and forth to Tanzania about four times a year and stay for two to six weeks each time. We will continue to pray and ask God for clear direction for the future, but as of now, this is what we feel is best for our family.

Thank you for your faithful support. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need more details (414.308.7851). You can also call our pastor, Pastor Noonan (414.301.9319), and he would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Tanzania Update

God continues to bring things together for His glory. Let me tell you a story that has been unfolding for more than two years now. We started a Bible Club two years or so ago in Kiegea, and the family who runs it, Baba Lincoln, started inviting kids to attend. Well, a girl came for many weeks. She started coming to church, and then her mom and brother started coming. They all got saved and baptized and joined the church. Now the dad is coming, and he got saved. He was convicted that he is not married to the mother of his children, so now in August, I will have the privilege of conducting their wedding. So, as you can see, God is still changing lives one person at a time; we just need to remain faithful.

Thanks again for all of the notes, emails, and texts that were sent out for our birthdays and anniversary. We always feel so loved and spoiled. We are honored that we can be your missionaries, but more importantly, your friends. Please let us know if we can be a help to you in any way.

For His glory,

Mshama, Martha, Esther, Benjamin, Rachel, & Sarah Kinyonga