Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: In the Homestretch!Hallelujah! We are officially in the homestretch, with 75% of our support now coming in! We are so thankful for our Heavenly Guide, Who has led us down the deputation trail. I also am so thankful for my amazing wife Rachel and her dedication to our Lord and to caring for our family. Praise God for the 57 churches, representing 25 states, that make up that percentage!

God also gave us a packed-out schedule for the month of April. We began the month with First Baptist Church of Brighton, Illinois, for their Missions Conference. After enjoying three days with FBC, we then boarded a plane to Lubbock, Texas, where we were with Wayne Avenue Baptist Church for the first Sunday of their Missions Month. Some of the most tenderhearted Christians are in this place!

Returning to the Midwest, we traveled south to El Dorado, Arkansas. Pastor Weido has preached in a couple of conferences that we have been in. It was a joy not only to spend time with him but also with his amazing Bible Baptist Church family. On Sunday afternoon, they run a Bus Ministry outreach in the heart of El Dorado, and while I was preaching to the young children, my mind went back to sweet memories of doing a similar ministry in Chicago. Praise the Lord, four of those children accepted Christ after the preaching time!

Hopping onto another plane, we flew out the Northwest corner of our country to be with Cornerstone Baptist Church in Hayden, Idaho. Our initial goal was to be with this church for a Wednesday night in January, but a major snowstorm caused that to be cancelled. Instead, we got to spend three days with them for their Missions Conference and were so blessed by their love and hospitality. Circling back to Arkansas, God safely brought us to Yellville, Arkansas, to be with Victory Independent Baptist Church for their Missions Conference. It was a great missions church! The month concluded at Berean Baptist Church in Rockford, Illinois. Pastor and Mrs. Swanson were such an encouragement to our family.

Soul Report

This month, we had the privilege of sharing the entire Gospel individually with four souls. I met Shanikka and her five-year-old daughter while out door knocking in El Dorado, Arkansas. Shanikka rushed to the door with toothpaste all over her mouth and her toothbrush in hand. Despite the bad timing, she allowed me to present the Gospel to her. She did not get saved at that time, so please pray that she and her family will come to church.

Family Update

By God’s grace, our health is more stable now, and we thank you for your prayers. Plans are now being made for our target date to move to England, and we look forward to sharing that with you soon! We are so thankful for the five new churches that voted in April to take us on for support. God is working! We thank God for your prayers and faithful support, and we would certainly welcome any prayer requests that you’d like to share with us.

Ruby’s Adventures

While in Idaho, Ruby’s Papa and Grandma drove from Montana to join us for a couple of days! Before our meeting, we enjoyed a beautiful family day out on Lake Coeur d’Alene! Ruby was so excited to be on her first boat ride and to spend the day with her grandparents! Another one of Ruby’s favorite memories being able to be a part of Bible Baptist Church’s Parade of Nations. She was very excited to play dress-up and march around the auditorium.

Prayer Requests

1. For safety as we travel through Ohio, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Maryland
2. For opportunities to present the Gospel
3. For Ruby’s Citizenship Application to progress smoothly

For His glory,

Daniel, Rachel, & Ruby Solt