Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: Getting Closer to the FieldFirst, thank you for reading this letter. We are humbled and thankful for the many Christians who take time every month to review what God is doing through us and praying for our various requests. We started off July in the beautiful Mid-Ohio Valley region, with our first Sunday being spent with Decatur Baptist Church in Little Hocking, Ohio. Pastor Coblentz and his family were wonderful hosts, and we enjoyed getting to know them along with the church family.

Moving north, we traveled up to Maple Rapids, Michigan, to be with Pastor Lang and Hope Bible Baptist Church. Set within a town of 400 people, this church has such a vibrancy for the Lord. Thank God for the many small-town churches in our nation that are going after souls locally and globally!

The following week was spent back with our sending church, First Baptist Church of Hammond, for a week of Missions University with our mission agency, FBMI. Connecting with veteran and new missionaries was encouraging, along with hearing helpful ministry instruction on a variety of topics. It is always a highlight of our year!

While in the area, we spent the following Sunday with Life Point Baptist Church in Portage, Indiana. Many young families make up this church, and we were thankful for the chance to meet them. Pastor Marasco graciously allowed me the opportunity to teach Sunday school and preach the evening service. Outside of meetings, we also made major progress in packing our remaining belongings that will travel with us to the UK.

The month ended at the First Baptist Church of Monroe, Wisconsin. We attended a few services there and were blessed by their kindness. During our time with FBC Monroe, we also reconnected with one of our supporters, Madison Baptist Church. Between services, we participated in various outreach ministries, including a VBS park outreach, street soul winning, and door-to-door visitation.

Soul Report

During the month of July, we witnessed to five souls, with one accepting Christ. God brought me to a man named Herpao on a Saturday afternoon. He was sitting outside his house and allowed me to speak to him regarding Jesus. Outside of YouTube, he had never had the Gospel explained to him. I took 30 minutes to explain the Gospel to him, after which he told me that he had much to think on. Pray for him, please!

Family Update

There is a lot of activity happening within the Solt family right now as we prepare for our final months of deputation and a smooth transition to the field. Prayers for wisdom, health, and strength would be much appreciated. God gave us three more supporting churches this month, bringing our support to 84%. Lord willing, we’re anticipating being able to share details with you next month regarding our departure plans. Thank you for being so faithful in your prayers and support!

Ruby’s Adventures

This month, Ruby has been able to play outside more than usual. She has been enjoying nature, especially bugs! Before bedtime, she reminds us of the insects she saw that day and will even thank God for them in her prayers.

Prayer Requests

  1. Safety as we travel through Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee
  2. For opportunities to present the Gospel
  3. For Rachel’s Visa Application to progress smoothly

For His glory,

Daniel, Rachel, and Ruby Solt