Walter Poole Prayer Letter: Summer 2016You are the channel of God’s blessings to us. We are on the field and serving God because of your prayers and financial support. As I have mentioned in past letters, we do pray for our supporters.

Straight Road Baptist Church has been continuing to seek souls and build them in their faith. In recent months 19 people have made the decision to trust the Saviour. We have had 39 visitors come over the last 11 weeks, and half of these were invited by church members. Most of these were met on the street or in their house. We do not wait for them to come to us.

One of those saved in church is a girl named Mai Mai. She had been attending regularly. Please pray for her. She is a bright child and had a clear understanding of the Gospel, but the very next Sunday, she was absent and has not returned since. We suspect the enemy of her soul has put roadblocks in the way through her parents.

Vang is the father of two children. They come whenever I can catch them at home on Sunday morning. The little daughter has a smile that can light up the whole city. Now both the mother and father have trusted Christ, and Vang came to church for the first time. Please pray that the whole family will attend church someday.

It pays to check! Brother Johnny Esposito joined me one Saturday for soul winning, and we met one dear lady. She proudly showed us her baptismal certificate, but after asking her about salvation, she said, “I’m not so clear on that.” There are many people like that who attend some church or “Christian” organization who cannot give a clear testimony of salvation.

We have a group of pre-teens and teens who come faithfully to Straight Road Baptist. We are seeking to develop them in a couple of different ways. They gather regularly in the church for English lessons, after which there is quite often a spontaneous time of fun and singing of the church songs. In addition, we have a Saturday night gathering with a short Bible study related to their level.

Our family is well. In my prayer time, I regularly ask God to provide opportunities for my wife to disciple other ladies. Vanara is a mother of five children who has been our member for many years. She has a clear testimony of salvation, but her church attendance has not been regular. Suni never gave up on her, and it has paid off. Now, with a brand-new baby, Vanara has been coming back regularly. Please pray for her. She lives with a large extended family, and some of these are critical of her faith.

Finally, we will be going to India for some weeks. As usual, there will be reunions with cousins and siblings and many opportunities to preach and visit some ministries we support financially. Recently there has been a wave of missionaries forced to leave India. However, in our case, God providentially gave my children and me a lifetime visa due to being related to Suni, putting me in a different category than those who have to apply each time they wish to enter India.



The Poole Family
Walter, Suni, Joseph, and Jerusha