This month we started back into our Thai language studies. I am very thankful that the Lord has helped us retain most of what we learned before we had to leave the field for deputation. Each language class, we are learning new words and the best way to put them into sentences. Our teacher, Pat, is working with us in the areas of speaking and writing. Please pray that we will have the opportunity to share the Gospel with Pat.
God continues to grow the church, but we are running out of space in the buildings where we meet. It is our goal to utilize the rooms we have already while we continue to pray for land.
The team will be starting a college and career singles’ Sunday school class and a new church, Independent Baptist Karen Church of Hua Hin, in January. This will be an exciting time for our church, and we covet your prayers. Two of our Thai staff men, Singat and Pong, will be heavily involved in this transition. Please pray for us on the team as we continue to teach and train our people for this next step of growth in our ministries.
Missy and I together saw 23 souls accept Jesus as their Saviour this month. Soul winning here never gets old. The fields are white unto harvest, and we are asking God to give us the wisdom and power to do His work.
Thank you for faithfully giving and praying so that we can serve on the foreign field.
For Him,
Tim Shook