“I just don’t understand Christianity. I’ve only been to church a few times as a child. It just doesn’t make sense to me,” responded Katuerine to my wife Christa. We were soul winning at a park, and Christa had asked her what part of Christianity was the most difficult part to believe. It is part of a questionnaire that we do as a way of starting spiritual conversations with people. In the short time we have done them, we have seen the questions help to open up people’s hearts to want to listen more to what the Bible says. Christa then asked, “If you have a few minutes, may I show you what the Bible says?” Katuerine said yes, so Christa then explained the Gospel to her. Through tears, Katuerine accepted Christ as her Saviour! She told us that she wants to continue to learn more about the Bible. She is in the middle of moving to the area close to where we plan to start Bible studies. We were able to have some good conversations with a number of people, mainly at parks and plazas. Please pray for the salvation of souls!
Preparing for Bible Studies
We spent some time going to Cerro and an area close by this month to soul win and make contacts. I believe we should pray to find a “son of peace” (Luke 10:6), who is a person of influence, to help us to reach more people. Our goal is to find people who can host a Bible study in their home, if possible. We have found a few people interested in doing Bible studies. A faithful teenager named Nancy, whom we led to the Lord awhile back, moved to Cerro with her family in October. Of course, it was sad to see them leave, but we are excited at the opportunity of doing Bible studies with their family in the future.
Our Plan
We plan to work to gather those who have expressed an interest in Bible studies in Cerro starting this month. We will most likely meet in a park or someone’s home there at first. We are ready to open our home, but we live about an hour-and-a-half bus ride from there, so it wouldn’t be feasible to expect people to come here on a regular basis. We also plan to start focusing more on Malvin, which is only a 10-minute drive from us, this month. It is a more middle-class area, which means it may take longer to make inroads there. I still see it as important to reach them as best we can, especially since the middle-and upper-class areas have hardly any Gospel-preaching churches. Please pray for open doors and the Lord’s leading.
- New children in church!
- Open doors to present the Gospel!
- Place to do the Bible studies
- Open doors to witness
- Our family’s health
- Our residency approval
- Our Spanish
Thank you for continuing to give and pray! We love you all so much.
Your missionaries to Uruguay,
Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, and Emmalynn Simmons
- Christa talking to Katuerine
- We are helping with a work day at the church.
- Witnessing to Valentino
- Some teens came to help paint!