Merry Christmas to you from Taiwan! We are still riding high on the excitement of finally being here. We are praising God for the miracles that He is doing every day. We have prayed for visible signs that we are in the center of His will with the many decisions we have had to make these first couple of months. God has answered that prayer with many divine appointments and directions. We have many stories to tell in just a couple of months that encourage us that God is working here and doing things here through us.
We do not have a car yet, and that has been an extra blessing. We plan to get one soon, but we have enjoyed the opportunities our family has had of walking everywhere. We have met many people along the way. One of those who especially seemed to be a divine appointment would be the new freshman with the English name W___. W___ spoke very little English, but she did explain that she was a Christian. My wife set up an appointment with W___ to meet with her and Mrs. M___ F___ at a tea shop. Mrs. F___ helped with translation, and they were able to confirm that W___ understood salvation and was truly saved. W___ is excited that our families have come to Yilan. She was reached by a church on the other side of the country and had only arrived for college here the same time as our family. She expressed wanting to help us and has been coming for several weeks now to our home to tutor my wife in the language. We can see God’s hand in the entire situation.
Prayer Requests
There have been many others we have met along the way. Unfortunately, my language is not yet to the level where I can give them the Gospel immediately. Many of them were invited to a Christmas party we held with the F___ family. Please keep praying for us to reach people as we can now, and pray for my search for a school to study the language and a tutor for myself.
As well, we will be purchasing a vehicle soon and are praying that God again directs us to the vehicle we are meant to have and the right salesman who is ready to hear the Gospel.
More Miracles
A piece of news we are excited to share is that R___ is pregnant with our fourth child, due in July. We have had to learn the hospitals here so that she can have a checkup with a doctor. We found out that the hospital has doctors work in rotation, and for your first visit, you are basically assigned the doctor that is working the time you happen to come. We didn’t have a way to research who would be working at certain times, but we prayed the doctor would be able to speak some English or would be a lady, if possible. We left our children with the F___s and traveled to the next city to go to the hospital on the only day and time we had available. As it happened, the doctor working on the only day and the hours we could come was a lady and had trained in Europe. So, even though she was Taiwanese, she spoke English fluently.
We praise the Lord for directing our steps, and we thank all of you in America who faithfully remember and pray for us! We can’t wait to share more miracles as we serve here.
Here for Him,
Missionary #6013