What a blessing it is to serve Christ with you! Isn’t it amazing how so many people from so many different places can serve Him with great joy?! With this in mind, I want to share with you something going on here in Tucuman.
Meet Orisbel Rios, a Cuban here in Tucuman, who is looking for a place to start a new work. He is the young man with the striped shirt and glasses. He asked me to help him, and we went to Cruz Alta, a town 20 miles away. Our mutual friend, Mely, has relatives there. The picture with just 5 people has Mely’s uncle and aunt, who received Christ the first day. In the second picture, you can see how the work grew in only one week. So far, we have led 11 to Christ in this new area! Isn’t it exciting to see what the Lord might do in this place?!
Please pray for our safety and health.
In Christ,
Simeon and Susie Hudson