While trying to keep up with the news in America as we are on the mission field, more than ever I sense the urgency to do more about the Great Commission that God has given to us. We must reach them while we can and while we have the freedom to preach the wonderful Gospel of peace. Since we arrived in Mexico last July from our first furlough, God has opened the door for us with many opportunities to share the Gospel, baptize new converts, and disciple some of them.
Last August, all of our family had the opportunity to help host the largest preaching conference in all the country of Mexico. I help my pastor, Alejandro Cordova, host this great event every three years. Thousands of Christians came from all over Mexico and nearby countries, and hundreds of pastors and missionaries were able to attend. The main purpose of this conference is to encourage and challenge the delegates to keep reaching more people with the Gospel through the preaching of God’s Word. Several people decided to serve God full-time, and many decision were made.
At the end of August, I witnessed a great miracle. On a Sunday morning after I finished my Sunday school class for married couples, a lady named Maria came to me crying and asking for counsel. She was asking prayer for her husband Alejandro, and she shared with me other marital problems. I offered to pray with her and to pray the whole week for him to be saved. The next Sunday he came to our married couples’ class and to our church. I led him to Christ, and he immediately obeyed the Lord in baptism. I began giving them discipleship classes. During the first class at their home, I led their daughter and her husband to the Lord, and now all the family faithfully attend our church. They even enrolled their children in our Christian school. Alejandro is a cook, and he now makes desserts to bring to church.
We prayed for years for my wife to be able to record a Gospel music CD in Spanish. God provided the money and the means to record it, and she has done it. It turned out to be one of the nicest CDs I have ever heard in Spanish. We strongly recommended it to any Christian, since the music is well performed, well tuned, and well recorded; but more than anything, it will make you think of God and His wonderful works.
My wife is again adapting to the full-time schedule of a missionary wife: being a wife, a mother, and the teacher of our children in homeschool. In addition to that, she organizes the whole music program of our church. Thank God for my wife and the great help she is to our family and our ministry. We moved into our house in September, and I can say that we are done unpacking and have relocated ourselves.
We are making plans to start another church near Celaya, Guanajuato, in the city of Acambaro or the city of Maravatio. Please pray for God’s provision, His protection, and His power. According to rumors, this is a more violent area. A Christian man is supposed to give us land and a building to use for this church project. Pray that God will open doors for us to see this church started this year.
I want to deeply thank you for helping us reach this country with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. May God continue using you and blessing you because of the part you play in praying, giving, and going the extra mile. We are honored and blessed to represent you on the mission field of Mexico.
For the kingdom of God,
Sergio Robles
- Married couples’ class
- Many making decisions at the preaching conference
- Mexican Independence Day on September 15