Ron and Laura Back Prayer Letter: Helping New Church PlantGod is so good! We finished up November with a family get-together to celebrate Thanksgiving with the kids and their spouses and kiddos. This year, they wanted something different. I’m not so sure I prefer tacos over turkey, but we let all of the kids decide.

December started out at breakneck speed. I was able to go to Brisbane, Queensland, to help a young man as he endeavored to pursue God’s call on his life—and what a time it was! Truth Baptist Church was started on December 16, and we had 5 new visitors on Sunday. I praise the Lord that while I was up there for a week, it only rained 2 of the days. We only had 5 inches of floodwaters in the yards where I was letterboxing. God allowed me to cover an area of the city that was 30 kilometers’ (18.5 miles) worth of neighborhoods. Many people actually surprised me by thanking me for receiving a tract. We don’t see that too often down in Victoria; what a sweet time it was. Please pray for Sam and Tiana Harris, their 4 children, and Truth Baptist Church.

Laura got to play the piano for me for one service in Sale, Victoria, while I preached at our church plant out of Calvary Baptist Church here in Moe, Victoria. She was very calm, and I believe she did a wonderful job. She thought she sounded terrible, but I assured her that since I struggle leading songs, it made her sound better. Everybody was an encouragement to her there in Sale. Please continue to pray for her playing.

I would also like to thank each one of you so much for supporting us this year. I do appreciate many of you sending us an extra Christmas love offering. It was much needed this year. It helped cover my trip to Queensland, and I got to spend money on Laura to get her some kitchen gadgets she has been wanting and on some new dress shoes for myself. The money will also go towards new thank-you tracts, which are so well received here in Australia.

Please continue to pray for the prison ministry, for more souls to be saved and baptized here and in the church plants in Queensland and Sale, Victoria, for Laura’s piano confidence to improve, and for our overall health to continue to be strong. If you would, please pray especially for Bro. Andrew Steers as he gets ready to come back to Australia without his dear wife Laura.


Ron Back
Missionary in Australia