Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Sharing and PrayingApril

As we began the month of April, God put it on my heart to bring godly families to our home for a meal—one family per week for a total of four families for the month. We prayed and ate. As they left, each family said that they were encouraged by our sharing, praying, and positive attitude in these times. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)

One day, I asked our neighbors who live three houses down from our home if I could pray for any need that they might have. “Yes, please,” they responded! “Pray that we remain in good health!” I said, “I sure will!” So, I began praying that they would be saved. A few days later, we crossed paths again. I told them, “I am praying for you!” Then I asked them, “Can I come to your home and pray for you, or can you come to my home to pray?” Needless to say, they both came to our home the next day. I sat with them in our living room and showed them how to be saved! They both prayed and asked Jesus to forgive their sins and save their souls. Amen! Glory to God!


There has been tremendous impoverishment of the people here on our mission field because of the Coronavirus. People in third-world countries live day by day. Not working for two months has tremendously affected their lives. They were poor; now they are poorer.

Two of our supporting churches gave some extra money to buy food for needy Christians. We gave to each family one bag with rice, beans, oatmeal, coffee, flour, canned tuna, pasta, cookies, and one bath soap. We were able to give bags to 23 of our families.

When we gathered to pass out the food, I preached to them on salvation. We saw 10 people, who had not been saved before, respond to the invitation and ask Jesus to save them. Amen! To God be the glory!

Thanks for helping us be a blessing to others during this difficult time for the world. It may not get better. Let us get closer to Jesus and help others find the Saviour.

“Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you . . . .” (I Samuel 12:23)

Please continue to pray for:

1. Our family to stay healthy.
2. Our finances.
3. Power to preach and go soul winning.

In His service,

Ricardo Leyva