This past Friday afternoon, my son John was in my office while I was finishing up some work before heading home. I commented to him, “I’m really thirsty,” but I had no water left in my office fridge. On the way home, we stopped at a small shop to buy a 500 mL bottle of water. However, the shop owner Mary (whom Missionary Becky Pope won to Christ several years ago) would not take my money; instead she gave me a 1.5L bottle of water and John a 750 mL bottle for free. Then she had one of her workers load into my truck an entire box of 750 mL waters. God is good! As we headed home from there, I was a little nervous when I pulled into traffic right in front of a Bel-Aqua water delivery truck. I quickly said, “Thank You, Lord! What you’ve already given me is enough!” What a great life this is serving Jesus!

John preaching the Gospel to a classmate
John Wins a Classmate
Last month on a Thursday afternoon, I was in our church staff meeting when I received a text from one of my workers: “I thought you would like this. John is witnessing to one of the school kids.” John told me about it on the way home.
A couple of years ago, he was surprised to hear that one of his classmates had gotten saved; since then he has not assumed that everyone in his Christian school was saved. Earlier that Thursday a teacher had won one of the students to Christ. After school John thought to ask that student’s younger sister Adwoa about her salvation. John took Adwoa through one of our church’s salvation booklets and won her to Christ! John certainly made his earthly father and his heavenly Father happy that day.
Kwabena Mensah
The funeral for my class member Kwabena Mensah was held this past Saturday. My pastor and team leader, Dr. Ted Speer, did a fine job with the funeral. Several in attendance indicated that they were now putting their faith in Christ alone for salvation. Due to the funeral, I was able to be reacquainted with a couple of my converts who are also nephews to Kwabena: Kofi Amponsah and Benedict Boakye-Agyemang. We are now connected via WhatsApp, and I am sending them Pastor Speer’s teaching and preaching on a weekly basis.
The Land Speaks
What a blessing it was to have Pastor Dave Clear and Brother Austen Taylor of the First Baptist Church of Rosemount, Minnesota, visiting our team for a week. Pastor Clear taught in our college a course he entitled “The Land Speaks,” which was about Bible geography. God used Pastor Clear to strengthen our students in the faith. A few days ago, I saw our student Joseph carrying a book about Old Testament geography; he had been inspired by the class to learn even more! Maria and I were privileged to host Pastor Clear and Brother Taylor for the week. We appreciate their church’s support for our team and for our family.
Please keep praying for us and the work here!
Michael, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, and Ben