August is the coolest month of the year in Ghana. For the last several weeks, temperatures have been in the 70s. This is the closest thing we get to winter, but the mosquitoes love it! However, the work of the Lord here has not cooled off. August was an extremely busy month for us.
Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
We were very blessed to help plan, put on, and attend our church’s annual conference. Our family enjoyed hosting Pastor Wilkerson, Brother Duff, and their sons from the First Baptist Church of Hammond. I hope you get to read our team update about how God blessed our conference this year.

Taxi Driver Christopher
On Monday, the day before the conference started, I had to take my vehicle to the shop due to a faulty starter. Then, that afternoon Maria’s leg was punctured by a rusty nail. So while Maria found someone to watch our three oldest, I hailed a taxi so that I could take her to the hospital for a tetanus shot. Our one-year-old Ben tagged along. While Maria was in the doctor’s office, I held Ben and preached the Gospel to our taxi driver Christopher. Christopher looked up the Bible references on his smartphone, and I explained them. I believe he got saved that day; and, by the way, Maria’s puncture wound has healed. Amen!

Bible College Prospect Peter
Bible College
We just put up a sign in front of our church property advertising our college. On the Monday morning a week before the conference, a man named Peter showed up at my door to ask about the Bible college. Peter stays very close to our church property. After explaining to him about our college, I asked him about his soul and found out that he was trusting his good works to save him. Peter decided to change his mind and put his faith in Christ alone for salvation. The next week he registered for our pastors’ conference, and he came to church the following Sunday. He plans to enroll in our Bible college next month. Please pray that he does.

Albert Addo – 88 years old – and he has not missed Sunday school in 3 1/2 years
88 and Doing Great
Albert Addo turned 88 on Sunday, August 21. We had a party for him in our Sunday school class. Albert has not missed Sunday school for over 3½ years. Every Sunday he faithfully distributes our class’s tithe envelopes. (We reuse our tithe envelopes each week; there is also a place on our envelopes where we record each member’s giving record for them to see each week.) He volunteered for that job because he knew it would motivate him to be faithful to church. What wisdom! I pray that all of our class members would be as faithful as Albert Addo.
Your servants and His,
Michael, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, and Ben