Kounaro and Chorvy Keo Prayer Letter: Youth Conferences Change Lives“I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.”
(Psalm 9:2)

Greetings from Kansas City, Missouri! We had the opportunity to be involved in the very first Youth Conference at my mother-in-law’s church. It was a great conference; the preaching was very convicting. We saw several young people get saved; and our son Jonathan got the reassurance of his salvation.

Youth Conference played a great role in my life. It was 32 years ago that God called me into the ministry when I attended my first Youth Conference. I was 23 years old when my pastor asked me to take the young people to the Youth Conference. I did not know what a Youth Conference was. Over 1,000 teenagers were there, and they were excited about the things of God. I was amazed. We drove four hours from Long Beach, California, to the North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara. It was there that God showed me His will for my life.

On June 24, my mother-in-law had a biopsy done and found out that she has lung cancer. Chorvy’s mom is 77 years old. July 16 will be her first doctor’s appointment to discuss the next steps she should take. Please pray for her and for us as we figure out what to do next. Chorvy’s stepfather is not doing well either. He is 81 years old, almost blind, and pretty much bedridden all day. They have no means of transportation, so please pray for them both.

Lida is doing great as he oversees our church in Cambodia. Please pray for him. I have discipled him, but I am not yet finished. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. God bless you.

For Christ’s sake,

Kounaro, Chorvy, Priscilla, Christina, & Jonathan Keo