We have a lot to be thankful for in November. To start, our daughter Carina accepted Christ. Immediately afterwards, she exclaimed, “I’ve got to tell Grandpa! I’ve got to tell somebody!” Next, our son Alex was dedicated to the Lord during the Thanksgiving Day service at Roanoke Baptist Church of Roanoke, Indiana.
Recently, while soul winning in Lyons, Georgia, I witnessed to Martha, a 40-year-old single mom who lived across from the church. After Martha accepted Christ, Sandra told me our son Barrett (age two) had handed a tract to and invited a man, who was rushing off to work, to church. That man was Christopher, and he came to the evening service. I was able to witness to him there, and he accepted Christ. Several churches voted to take us on for support in November, namely, Ozark Baptist Church of Ozark, Missouri; Allen Baptist Church of Allen, Michigan; Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church of High Springs, Florida; Bible Baptist Church of New Port Richey, Florida; Midland Baptist Church of Midland, Michigan; Rochester Hills Baptist Church of Rochester Hills, Michigan; and New Hope Baptist Church of Knox, Indiana.
Please pray for our children, as they continue to struggle to sleep at night; for the spiritual growth of Carina, Martha, and Christopher; for protection as we travel; for us to be able to schedule more meetings and raise more support; for us to continue to be a blessing to the churches we visit; and for wisdom.
Working hard to bring fruit to your account,
Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry, & Alex Barker
- Sandra and I with Pastor Plowman, Liberty Baptist Church, Lyons, Georgia
- With Pastor Hightower, Rochester Hills Baptist Church, Rochester Hills, Michigan
- Chris, Barrett’s visitor, in Lyons, Georgia
- WIth Pastor Chuck Smith, Liberty Baptist Church, St. Amant, Louisiana
- Alex dedicated to the Lord in Roanoke, Indiana
- Preaching at Landmark Baptist Church, Haines City, Florida