I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone who prayed about our vehicle situation. I am very happy to report that God has blessed us with a 2010 Honda Odyssey with only 151,000 miles. The van that had been in a repair shop for over a month has been sold. The Lord worked it out to where the repair bill was only a fraction of what I was expecting, and I was able to get much more in the sale than what I was expecting in the van’s current state.
We were borrowing a van from Amazing Grace Baptist Church of Stoneville, North Carolina, when Barrett asked Sandra to tell him how to go to Heaven while I followed them in a borrowed car. She explained the Gospel to him twice, and the second time he stated, “But I don’t know how to ask Jesus to save me.” Sandra offered to help him, but all she said was “Dear Jesus.” Barrett took it from there and said, “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. Jesus died for sinners. Please take me to Heaven someday. Thank you for saving me.” When we got where we were going, he ran up to me and said, “I got saved!” and gave me a big hug!
Ethan is a 15-year-old I met while going soul winning with my oldest two sons in between church services on Sunday at Marion Avenue Baptist Church of Washington, Iowa. I had thought he was one of the teenagers on that street that I had previously given a tract to but was mistaken, and he allowed me to share the Gospel with him. Ethan accepted Christ as his Saviour that day!
Sandra had an ultrasound recently, and we are thrilled to discover that we are expecting a girl. Joanna has an anticipated due date of December 10. Please continue to pray for Sandra. Going on deputation with 4 children 4 years of age and under, with 1 on the way, presents unique challenges. Also, our Nigerian visa interview is still scheduled for October 7. Please pray that everything gets approved and correctly dated; a second interview would cause a lot of extra driving, time, and headaches.
Working hard to bring fruit to your account,
Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry & Alex Barker
- With Pastor Eaton of Freedom Baptist Church of Jackson, Ohio
- With Pastor Lutz at NorthCoast Baptist Church of Lakewood, Ohio
- With Pastor Dorrell of Eastland Baptist Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma
- With Pastor & Mrs. Brown at Marion Avenue Baptist Church of Washington, Iowa
- With Pastor Castle of Friendship Baptist Church of Marion, Indiana
- With Pastor Wilkerson of Southside Baptist Church of Knoxville, Tennessee