Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: 25 Years as a Missionary!Happy New Year 2025!

Last October, I was in a Missions Conference in the USA. The pastor told me that He does not get many calls from missionaries on deputation like he used to! Overall, there are fewer missionaries on the field, on furlough, and on deputation. I wonder what is happening?

25 Years in the Ministry!

Twenty-five years ago this week, I quit my secular job and went on full-time deputation by faith. My kids were little! In two years, the Lord raised 100% of our support. In 2002, we went to Cuba. Cuba was closed to the Gospel at that time, but the Lord opened doors for us!

For the last 25 years, the Lord has not failed us. He has provided for us and protected us. My kids grew up here on the mission field. I had many beautiful moments with them. They are good kids. The Lord got me out of a deep depression after my wife went to Heaven. I have met wonderful people all around me, both pastors and laymen. Of course, there have been problems on this 25-year journey of faith and service. “Then said he unto his disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!” (Luke 17:1)

I Love the Ministry!

I love studying the Bible; I love preaching the Bible. I love praying for people. I love soul winning; I go soul winning every week. I love counseling the people. I love comforting people. I love encouraging people. I love helping people. I love the ministry! “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me FAITHFUL, putting me into the ministry.” (I Timothy 1:12)

The best years of my life and ministry are ahead. I am in good health, thank God, and I am excited about the future on the mission field. There is a lot to do on the mission field!

The Next 25 Years!

The next 25 years required a new partner, a new mission board. So, after this month of January, please DON’T SEND MY SUPPORT to FBMI, my current mission board. In a follow-up letter, I will send you all of the new board’s information and where to send your support for me.

Please continue to pray for:

1. God’s wisdom moving forward.
2. Power for soul winning.
3. My finances.

Serving Christ in Cuba,

Ricardo Leyva
