It is with a sorrowful heart that I write this prayer update. We on Team Peru have experienced a great loss. A little more than a month ago, our team member, Bro. Daniel Kokubun, experienced a tragic fall, which resulted in the swelling of his brain. After emergency surgery and several days of hospitalization, he passed away, having never regained consciousness. Our hearts are very heavy, and we continue to grieve here in Peru, along with the people Daniel served. We mostly grieve for his very young widow Heather. Bro. Kokubun was an integral and vital member of our team. His loss will be felt tremendously by our team leader, Bro. Dan Hubbard. Please pray especially for our team and for Heather Kokubun during this time.
We mentioned in our last prayer letter about the church-planting ministry that we have begun. I am now meeting with a national pastor about planting a new church in a large area which has no evangelical church at all. Please pray with us as we begin this new work.
Our church in San Gabriel is going well. We have begun new leadership training classes so that we may start new Bible studies in the area. We are pleased with how many people are taking on more responsibility and growing in the Lord. Additionally, we have begun a new children’s ministry called Superheroes of the Faith. The teens and university students are the leaders of this ministry, and they are doing a great job!
More than 50 souls have made professions of faith since our last prayer letter. It is always exciting to go soul winning, and we could tell so many stories . . . like the one about the four young men whom we met recently on a Saturday. As I began to witness to them, one young man asked, “Why do people say that Jesus Christ died for their sins?” As you can imagine, it was easy to win these teens to the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers. We need them now more than ever. Please pray for our safety and health and that God would multiply our efforts for the glory of His kingdom.
His for souls,
Zach, Karin, Zachary, C.J., and Logan Foust