We wish to begin our prayer update by thanking you for your prayers and financial support for our family! We pray faithfully for each of our supporters and thank God for you. Much has happened here since our last prayer update, and although we have sent out several email and Facebook updates, we would like to recount some of these happenings for you.
The Amazon Outreach Program is going forward! We have received several reports of pastors utilizing the Foundations of Our Faith discipleship program. Some pastors have started soul-winning programs, and we have received reports of new churches being started. We have been able to help with building expenses and training materials through the Amazon Outreach account. If your ministry would like to help with the jungle churches, you can contribute to that account through FBMI.
We were able to take the Hays water-purification systems to Arequipa, Peru, this past month; 30 pastors received water systems, discipleship materials, and soul-winning training. We have already received reports about evangelistic campaigns that were held using the water systems! We will be going to Moyobamba to the jungle region of Lambayeque in October, where we will have a conference with pastors to distribute more systems and discipleship materials.
We are still in desperate need of land for our church in San Gabriel! Our church is growing spiritually, and souls are being saved weekly. We are excited about several men in our church who feel God is calling them into the ministry. Please pray for these men as they seek to follow God’s call. Some of the men are making plans to start an annex church up the mountain. Please pray about this. In all, more than 90 souls have accepted Christ as their Saviour since our last prayer letter.
We have had a successful start to our brand-new institute! This is an endeavor of Team Peru, and it is exciting to have a chance to work together, training the people of our churches. We have 25 students enrolled for our first semester! The students are enrolled in pastoral theology, education, and music courses; and we meet each Monday evening. Please pray for these men and ladies as they prepare to serve the Lord in Instituto Bautista Internacional.
The team is preparing this week for our Pastors’ expecting pastors from all over Peru and many from here in Lima. Bro. Andres Gomez and Bro. Jonathan Ashcraft will be our special speakers, and we are looking forward to what God will do during this conference.
Our family was in the States for a quick furlough during the month of July. We were able to raise some more support and report to several supporting churches. We also left Caleb there, as he enrolled in Bible college. Please pray for him as he adjusts to living in the States and for us, as we miss him very much! Also, please pray for our oldest Zach, Jr. as he begins his junior year of Bible college. At least we still have our “baby” at home for a few more years! Logan is a blessing to us; please pray for him as he adjusts to being the only one at home and as he starts his school year.
Thank you for your prayers and support. May God richly bless you, and may He continue to work in each of us as He wills.
His for souls,
Zach and Karin Foust
Zach, C.J., and Logan