Elias and Robyn Correa Prayer Letter: Summer UpdateNoteworthy News

Wings Bearing Precious Seed has shipped over 12 million Scriptures in 13 languages to 9 nations so far this year. The highlight of this summer was our Gospel 4 Gabon trip. There were many obstacles, including the French language barrier, but God showed Himself “greater . . . than he that is in the world,” with 21,000 Scriptures distributed, 54 visitors receiving Bibles, and 22 professions of faith! Please pray for Booba and Ibrahim, our Muslim van drivers, to be saved and for much fruit that remains there in Gabon. For more information, please see our trip report on the next page. In June, we shipped Scriptures to Venezuela and Colombia for our upcoming Christ 4 Colombia trip. Please pray that they arrive safe and sound in time for our trip in August.

Pray Petitions

• Pray for the container in Nigeria to finally be released and delivered, sooner rather than later.
• Pray that God would add much fruit that remains from our trips to Peru and Gabon.
• Pray that God would enable us to Sow More in ’24 by providing His Word to needy souls.

Thank you for partnering with us to get the Word of God to a lost and dying world through your prayers and giving! We believe in the power of prayer and are thankful for your support.

Correa Chronicles

Thus far, it has been a wonderful summer for our family. Our son and his wife came to Michigan for a visit to celebrate their second wedding anniversary and to surprise Robyn for her birthday. It was an extra special blessing to spend time with them. Our daughter Kendalle and her husband were blessed to purchase their first home, and we rejoice greatly with them. While in Michigan, we got to spend time with our youngest regularly, which we enjoy very much. In June, the Lord allowed us to conduct a Scripture Seedline project with our home church. We were able to assemble 10,000 John and Romans, which will be distributed in Mexico. We are still praying for the Lord to allow us to schedule with another church in the southeastern Michigan area that would like to assemble another 10,000 Scriptures. Please reach out to us if you would like us to come. It is a wonderful time and always a great blessing for all involved. We sure do love and appreciate each of you!

Elias & Robyn Correa

Gospel 4 Gabon
June 3-11, 2024

“Going to Gabon, Africa, with Wings Bearing Precious Seed was a life-changing experience! From the moment we decided to go, the Lord showed up in our lives to minister grace to our hearts so that we could joyfully go and distribute Scriptures to the people of Africa. After being saved for many decades, this was the most exciting and exhilarating fun we’ve ever had serving the Lord together! A special thanks to the Wings team for taking such wonderful care of us every step of the journey. We are ready and happy to go on another trip as the Lord leads!” – Testimony by Blace Snow