Elias and Robyn Correa Prayer Letter: Spring UpdateNoteworthy News

Wings Bearing Precious Seed has shipped over 825,000 Scriptures in 13 languages to 9 nations so far this year. The highlight of this spring was our Jesús 4 Juliaca trip to southern Peru. The 12,500 feet of elevation had adverse effects on our team, but with the help of the Lord, we struggled through. In our weakness, He showed Himself mightily, with 27,300 Scriptures distributed, 57 visitors receiving Bibles, and 12 professions of faith. Allen was able to lead his van driver and the van driver’s wife to Christ after preaching the first Gospel message of the trip. For more information, please keep reading.

We wish we had good news on the Nigeria container, but it still has not been released. Please continue to pray for this burden to be lifted. Our container for the Gospel 4 Gabon trip arrived in port the last week of April; and, Lord willing, it will be cleared and delivered well ahead of our team’s arrival in June.

Prayer Petitions

• Pray for the container in Nigeria to be finally be released and delivered, sooner rather than later.
• Pray that God would add much fruit that remains from our trip to Juliaca, Peru.
• Pray that God would enable us to Sow More in ’24 by providing His Word to needy souls.

Thank you for partnering with us to get the Word of God to a lost and dying world through your prayers and giving! We believe in the power of prayer and are thankful for your support.

Correa Chronicles

We are thankful for safety, as we have been traveling rather long distances lately. I’ve also just returned from the Wings Bearing Precious Seed warehouse in Kentucky, where I was able to pick up a fully equipped mobile Seedline Scripture-assembly trailer for our use throughout the summer months. We appreciate Central Baptist Church in Kentucky. Our home church will be assembling 10,000 John & Romans for an upcoming shipment to Mexico. If you are in the southeast Michigan vicinity and would like to sponsor a Seedline project in your church, please reach out to me at 517.270.2831. This is a great opportunity for church members to get involved in putting together John & Romans. We would love to serve alongside you in making this possible.

—Elias & Robyn Correa

Jesús 4 Juliaca

• 27,300 Scriptures distributed
• 57 visitors received Bibles
• 12 professions of faith

“Allow me to share some details of the trip to Juliaca, Peru, to assist Good Shepherd Baptist Church, Pastor Oscar Cruz, and his wife Juana. In addition to Bro. Allen Johnson, 18 of us from 6 churches converged on the city of almost 275,000 souls at more than 12,500 feet above sea level. We discovered that young people and fit people often have various altitude sickness symptoms.

The trip was inspiring, as we experienced the eagerness of the Peruvian people to receive and respond to the Gospel and often thank us as we distributed 27,000 copies of John & Romans to pedestrians, cab drivers, police officers, shopkeepers, and even commuters in traffic. It was inspiring to learn that Pastor Cruz works as a cab driver, and Juana makes and sells individual fruit salads to meet the financial needs of the ministry. It was inspiring to see fellow Christians in Peru faithfully evangelize their community and serve in their local church without regard to personal benefit or recognition.

The trip was encouraging, as three teenagers traveled outside the U.S. for the first time—and without any family members—in submission of ways the Lord would use them to minister. It was encouraging to be a part of Wings Bearing Precious Seed Ministry, which actually distributes the Gospel and reaches the lost through a local church, allowing follow-up and discipleship, in fulfillment of the Great Commission. It was encouraging to observe the humble service of a brother and sister from Pennsylvania, a single young woman from Indiana, and a faithful pastor and two church members from Maine, allowing us 11 “rookies” from western Kentucky to unite with them to complete the work set before us.

Now, we come to the hard part. Lastly, the trip was convicting, as I witnessed the zeal of a construction man from North Carolina unabashedly proclaim the Gospel in spite of suffering from a lack of oxygen the entire week. You see, this is where a lot of “good” Christians like me and many of you miss the mark. II Timothy 4:2 commands us to be instant in season and out of season. We have the “in season” part down. It’s the “out of season” that many of us struggle with and often ignore. When it’s time to go soul winning or visiting, we are all in. However, when it’s time to shop, golf, dine out, or travel, we “check out” because it’s “out of season.” We all need to stop making excuses why we can’t take a missions trip and be a more effective witness for Christ when the time or place just doesn’t feel right.

– Testimony by Darrell Chinn

Angola & Gabon

Portuguese Bibles have been distributed in Angola (below center), and a container of Scriptures is on the way to Gabon (right) for our trip in June. Please pray for the Scriptures to arrive safe and sound and to be cleared and delivered without major obstacles.

Join us for an upcoming missions trip . . .

There are still openings for our Gospel 4 Gabon trip. We will be working with Missionary Fisa Mihy-Mihyndu and the only independent Baptist church in the entire country! Come make a difference.

We are taking applications for our Christ 4 Colombia trip. We will be working with national pastor, Williams Suárez, in Madrid Cundinamarca outside of Bogotá.

For more information, email us or visit our website.