What an honor is ours to serve our Saviour with you among the PEOPLE of Brazil! Two weeks after returning from our four-month furlough, IBNV (Igreja Batista Nova Vida) had an evangelistic conference with Pastor Rômulo Ribeiro, a national pastor who has started five churches and is heard daily here in Taubaté on the BBN radio station. There were close to 50 visitors, with 15 trusting Jesus. One elderly lady, age 81, has not missed one service since coming for the first time during the conference.

A year ago during the week leading up to the inauguration of IBNV, we met Fábio who was working at a restaurant close to the church. He expressed sincere interest but was not able to visit then. One month ago he got back in contact with me. He has come several times and has brought three visitors. A few days after his initial visit, Bro. Dan Johnson and I visited him in his home. He and his wife Daiane trusted Jesus. Pray with us for Fabio’s wife and little girl Vitoria to visit.

After finding the house God wanted us to rent 16 months ago, the first man I met in our neighborhood was Alessandro. He operates a mechanic shop from his home but is battling cancer for the third time. He has a port where a nurse gives him pain medicine three times a day to help him endure the pain caused by many health issues. About two weeks before we returned to Brazil, Bro. Ed Johnson, and another man visited Alessandro’s family, and he and his wife Sabrina trusted Jesus. Please pray with us for healing and for the entire family to come to church.

Emerson and family
During the 14 months God allowed us to serve Him in Cajuru (February 2014 – April 2015), we met Emerson and Elaine and their three girls— Bianca, Beatriz, and Maria Vitoria. Emerson was the last to accepted Jesus because of only being at home for about 24 hours a week due to work in a distant town. The night we were witnessing to him, he got sick and went to the hospital. A few days later, he trusted JESUS. Now they are all together in another town where there is a strong soul-wining church, but the twins are not in church. Please pray for the entire family to get involved in their local church so they can grow spiritually.

In April 2015, the day after our family made our last trip to Taubaté, our car went into the “hospital” for three months. We were led to Ivan, an honest mechanic who has restored our 1997 Mazda MPV to better condition than before we purchased it. Through tears Ivan told me that he is not right with God, but he has not yet found the time for us to visit him in his home or to visit IBNV. Please pray for him!
Update on Our Family
Kelley graduated from Hyles-Anderson College and is teaching first and second graders at Bailey’s Grove Baptist Schools in Asheboro, North Carolina. David is completing two months of Ranger training in the Army. Jonathan is in his second year, and Nathan is in his first year at Hyles-Anderson College. Timothy and Karlene both turn a year older this month. Zachary started kindergarten this month.
Praise the LORD for the 20-plus people our family has led to a saving knowledge in Christ since our return.
Dave & Dawn Whitmore