“Rejoice evermore.” (I Thessalonians 5:16) As usual, life in Dumaguete has been busy and full of blessings. Our team spent the 4th of July together as we celebrated our national heritage and enjoyed a time of fellowship. July was filled with teaching two weeks on the Gospel of John and a week introducing our freshmen students to basic Bible background and doctrine. In August I continued teaching our college students classes on theology, the life of David, and on prayer. I am constantly thankful for the privilege I have to invest in our students’ lives. It causes me to “rejoice evermore.”

At sunrise, overlooking the Sulu Sea from Dumaguete—local fishermen fishing for fish
We continue to see many saved as we go out fishing for souls. On one recent Wednesday, I was able to take our college students out soul winning near a local college, and we saw 153 saved! I had the joy of taking a visiting Filipino missionary out soul winning as he visited our church. We went into a “slum” area and saw many saved. One was a young man who had been shot five times the week before by those involved in the local drug trade—and he had the bandages to prove it! Having come so close to eternity, he gladly listened and trusted Christ. More reasons to “rejoice evermore”!

Bro. Roy Arteta fishing for souls—a man shot five times trusts Christ!
On August 12, my daughter Ruth gave birth to Andrew James Morrissey on what would have been my 38th wedding anniversary. At last report, Andrew’s mother, father, sister, and brother are doing well. On August 17, my son Micah was ordained by the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, as he and his wife are on deputation, preparing to go to Ghana, West Africa. When your children are being blessed and serving the Lord, it is definitely another reason to “rejoice evermore.”
Two of our team’s families sent their oldest children off to Bible college in the States; we are very proud of Allyson and Elizabeth as they take what they experienced on the mission field and go to train for Christian service. More reasons to “rejoice evermore”! I pray that you will find many reasons to rejoice as you serve the Lord in your part of God’s harvest fields. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support that have enabled me to invest in eternity here at International Baptist Church of Dumaguete City!
Rejoicing evermore,
Scott Christiansen