Courtney and Ester Godsoe Prayer Letter: Amazing and Downright MiraculousWhere does the time go when you’re having fun? Sometimes it’s difficult to write an update or a prayer letter because it seems hard to find “newsworthy” events to write about during our normal routine. Perhaps, because I’m immersed in the ministry here, the things that are “routine” to me are actually pretty amazing and downright miraculous!

During the third quarter of this year, we saw 1,794 precious souls come to Christ. God continues to work in the lives of our people. I’m always thrilled when I see people trust Christ and then become productive in the ministry. Some folks get plugged in right away, and some come quietly for several years and then, all of the sudden, get plugged in and actively participate in the ministry.

Our young people attended Youth Camp and had a great time. They were blessed and challenged, and they made many decisions for the Lord.

I’m grateful for the ladies in our church and all they do. Many of them go soul winning each week, teach in Sunday school, encourage and help our missionaries, and handle many responsibilities in the church. I’m especially grateful for the wife God gave to me over 44 years ago. She heads up and organizes our ladies to do so much and sets a tremendous example of hard work and faithfulness. She works on a jeepney route, plans and organizes the feeding for major events, helps care for our people, and, instead of slowing down as the years go by, she simply gathers more steam.

Please pray for us as we resume our building program. We were ready to go with an approved building permit before the pandemic hit, and we are now in the process of running all the paperwork again.

Please pray that more of our young people would surrender to full-time service. There is so much to do here in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, and we need more workers. As our Lord commanded us: “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

We have about $12,000 raised to purchase a van for our church. We can get a decent one for that price, and anything added to it would help us get a newer one.

Yours for souls,
Courtney & Ester Godsoe