January 24, 2016, began our trail of deputation. We have so much to be thankful for. Since our arrival in the States, the Lord has provided transportation at a great price. The van is 12 years old, but with less than 80,000 miles on it and many service receipts to show that someone had mercy on the van. We are thankful.
One of our many encouraging and personalized gifts from our team and church families in Thailand was new phones, which will serve us in the many ways that smart phones work. The Lord allowed us to join a lower-cost family plan for cellular service, with a lot of data to take care of all of our communication needs as we travel.
We thank the families who provided Christmas gifts for us and especially for our children who experienced a full “under the tree” Christmas. We are also thankful for the necessary winter clothes that were given to keep us warm. My children have all had the opportunity to experience snow for the first time, with two rare Northern Kentucky winter storms. They are making the transition from coconuts in Thailand to snowballs in Kentucky.
I am thankful to have had opportunities to preach and teach Stateside before beginning deputation. This has been so helpful, as I now speak without a translator, which requires adjustments in speed and content. On Saturdays I have been able to go soul winning with a faithful group and recently led a mom Leisha and her daughter Tisha to the Lord on a cold morning. We were also able to bring some new people to church during our visitations. Sarah enjoyed teaching a teenage girls’ Sunday school class a couple of weeks ago.
We are very thankful for Sarah’s parents, Joe and Faye Jalbert, who have opened up their home to us. My mother in-law Faye has coffee ready every morning before 5:00. You can’t ask for much more than that!
On a sad note, we lost one of our young men in Thailand, Boy. He had ongoing medical complications, which recently took him to Heaven. He loved the Lord, enjoyed learning, was multi-lingual, and was a giver of the Gospel. Bro. Tim Shook and Bro. Sakrapee were able to lead many of his family members to the Lord at the funeral. Please pray for the family and friends of Boy. Events like this further motivate us to return to Thailand, but we understand many meetings, partnerships, and educational gains in the U.S. are necessary before our return.
In making phone calls, I’m encouraged by the generous conversations from pastors. Many have asked me questions about the work and have been open about their desire and abilities towards missions. There are so many great pastors and churches across this land.
We thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for the Thailand ministries, as well as for God’s provision and protection for our churches across the USA. If we can pray for a need you have, please call or email us anytime.
Grateful to serve,
Chad Inman and Family
270-702-3357 or 219-262-2543
inmanstothailand@gmail.com or chadinman@www.fbmi.org
- Pastor Nathan Shaffer and men of GLBC, Beaver Dam, Kentucky, praying for our deputation start on 01/24/16
- First time in the snow
- Boy (second from right) bringing friends
- Preaching
- Six inches
- Family Cruiser