We are super excited about the birth of our first grandchild. I was estimating that he would be born on the 18th of January. We had a baby shower planned for January 30. Liesl and the girls worked hard in planning for the baby shower with a theme of bears. We were able to purchase used stuffed bears at thrift stores. My wife also made some bear soaps with glycerin to pass out to the ladies at the shower. The decorations and centerpieces were going to be stuffed bears. We were filled with anticipation and looking forward to the birth.
Bernice went into labor Saturday morning, January 28. She was in labor for 5 days, and Jonathan was born at the hospital on February 1, 2023, at 9:00 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and measured 21 inches in length. The baby shower was canceled, but the ladies of the church still brought their gifts for Jonathan. Praise the Lord! Now I’m a grandpa. My son gave me a cup that said, “Grandpas Are DADS Without Rules.” My father-in-law, Clayton Livengood, was here from Spain to see his first great-grandchild. Thank you for your prayers! I put a lot of pictures on our Facebook page.
Bethel Baptist Church and Bible College in Argentina are going strong. Praise the Lord! I just received news that a dear lady I led to Christ passed away. A few years back while out soul winning in a humble neighborhood, we knocked on Mrs. Dora Cruz’s door. I was able to lead her and her husband to the Lord. She recently suffered a stroke and went on to Heaven. Thank you for your faithful support, which enables us to keep on going forward!
My wife has had some health concerns for many years. While we are in the USA, we decided to find a doctor to do some tests to see what can be done. God led us to a doctor here in Iowa who has had a lot of success in helping others have optimum health. Liesl went through all of the tests and started a three-week program. Then the doctor put her on a three-month program. She is doing better but still needs more time to get her health stronger. I have been having some back pain, but I kept putting off going to get myself checked out. After encouragement from my wife, I went to see her doctor and started doing all of the laboratory tests. The doctor found some issues of serious concern and wanted me to start a six-week program. Praise the Lord, I do not have cancer, but the doctor identified some concerns that I will not go into detail about in this letter. As of the writing of this letter, I feel good. My back pain is gone, my mind is clear, and my energy is better. After much prayer and getting counsel, we have decided to stay in the USA a few more months to work on our health.
We thank God for the help and counsel from Pastor Joseph Brown. I keep super busy! Every day is a full day to serve the Lord. We are active in the church here and also with our ministry work, as far as reaching more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support!
For souls,
Brian R. George and Family
- Brian and I with my father-in-law, Clayton Livengood, and his very first granchild–Jonathan George.
- Dora Cruz and her husband
- Our very first grandchild, Jonathan George, born February 1, 2023, at 9:00 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 21 inches long.