Well, I must apologize again. I didn’t intend on taking this long to send out an update. We have been quite busy these last couple of months. When I say, “almost there,” I don’t mean we are nearing the end of deputation. In fact, it feels like we are almost ready to begin . . . finally! While we have been “part-timing” for quite some time, we are almost to the point where we can be “full-time.”
Since our last update, we were able to present our ministry at the Central Valley Baptist Church of Manteca, California, at the beginning of May. They were in the middle of a Prayer Revival meeting but graciously allowed us to come. Pastor Dalzell and the people of the church were so kind to us. Praise the Lord, they voted to take us on for support that same night!
We spent much of May and June finalizing things at my job and getting our home ready to sell. We were finally able to sell our house at the beginning of June! This was a huge answer to prayer! It allowed us to pay off all of our debts and get some much-needed repairs done on our vehicles. The remainder of June was spent packing, selling, donating, and throwing away all the things that either don’t fit in the RV or that we won’t be taking to Japan (which isn’t much). We also started to get our RV ready for full-time living, and we are currently awaiting repairs to be completed by a mechanic. Also, at the beginning of June, my wife finished her last year of teaching kindergarten at our church’s Christian school. I also gave notice that I was leaving at my secular job so that they would not assign any more large projects to me. We are now just trying to tie up all of the final loose ends to make our full-time transition to living on the road. Our son Aidan also had to have some minor surgery, and all of the kids had some dental work done while I still have the insurance from my job.
Would you please pray for us as we look to schedule additional meetings for this summer? I have been able to book some meetings, but at this point, they are all for next year. We have several meetings in the fall, but we need some places to go this summer! As I write this, my wife and I are currently on our way to Indiana to attend the FBMI Missions University. We are looking forward to learning and spending this week with friends and fellow missionaries.
We have also been busy at our home church while we are here. I got to drive the bus one last time on July 4th, which was a blessing for me, as it had been quite some time since I had been on the bus route. We also helped in various events for our church and attended a Couples’ Retreat in May, which was hosted by our church.
Please be in prayer for Elanie. She was the notary who came to our house when we signed our closing paperwork. She is Catholic, and when I explained to her who we are and what we are doing, she asked me, “What is the difference between a Baptist and a Catholic?” God allowed me the opportunity to explain the Gospel to her clearly. She asked many questions and appeared to be convinced but was not quite ready to trust Christ. Please pray for her salvation!
In Christ,
Brendan Morgan
- Bro. Chris Asprelli, Central Valley Baptist Church, Manteca, CA
- Aidan getting ready for surgery
- Braden’s Kindergarten Graduation
- Driving the church bus one last time on the 4th of July
- • Presenting our calling to Japan to Central Valley Baptist Church of Manteca, California—they took us on for support that night!
- Family photo on the 4th of July
- Packing up our house
- Getting some needed dental work done
- Celebrating the 4th of July
- Shopping at IKEA to outfit the RV