Adam and Karen DePaolis Prayer Letter:  Slow but Fruitful Start to Our YearI trust that you all are having a good year so far. We have had a somewhat slow but fruitful start to our year. January, understandably so, was not a particularly busy month for meetings, being that most churches were just getting back to normal after the holiday season. We enjoyed getting to spend some extra time with family and getting some needed rest. My parents enjoyed having Olivia around more. We did have a few meetings in the month of January; unfortunately, Karen and Olivia came down with a stomach virus and were not able to travel with me to three of the meetings. They are doing better now, thankfully, but it felt weird traveling alone.

As some of you may know, Karen finally received her Green Card a few days before Christmas. I would like to personally thank all of you who had been praying with us for this to happen. There is no doubt in my mind that it is because of your prayers that she received it so quickly. On average, the processing time for such papers is 6–24 months. Karen received hers in 5 months. Thank you! The next step is to start her citizenship paperwork.

That being said, we were able to make a trip to Mexico for the entire month of February. Along with spending time with Karen’s family, we enjoyed taking part in several ministry opportunities while in Mexico. I had to opportunity to attend a Men’s Conference at our local church there. The following week, we enjoyed our annual Missions Conference. While out soul winning with some men from the church, I had the chance to witness to two ladies at a little corner store. Praise God, both Yolanda and Guadalupe prayed and trusted Christ as their Saviour. The following week, while returning home from Walmart one day, I was able to share the Gospel with my taxi driver, Mario. He listened, and I believe he understood, but sadly, he did not trust Christ that day.

During our time in Mexico, we were able to make a survey trip to a nearby town where we are praying that God would open the door to plant a church someday. The town is Sahagun City, Hidalgo. The population is nearly 60,000, and it is currently without a Gospel-preaching church. The closest church is almost one hour away. Please help us pray that God would give us wisdom on this matter.

Some of the most exciting news for us is that God has continued to add to our support. At the beginning of the year, we were had around 55% of our support coming in each month. God has been so good to us, and we now have about 73% of our support raised. Thank you again for your prayers and support. We could not do it without you. May God bless you and your church as much as He has blessed us.

Adam, Karen, & Olivia DePaolis
Missionaries in Mexico
Philippians 1:6