Eddie and Sindy Arold Prayer Letter: The Peace of God's PeopleThank you for taking the time to read this update, my brethren in Christ! January and February were amazing months—all to the glory of God! During these 2 months, our team was able to go into over 100 schools. In the 5 church plants we have, God used those men to see over 300 in attendance. I don’t know that I have ever seen the peace of God’s people here more than these last 2 months. The pollution is horrible, and the Devil is fighting; but the people have a beautiful calm about them, especially when they are in the church. I am honored to have a part in their lives and pray God continues to build His church!

We have started our Saturday night classes back up again. This is a very special time where I meet from 5:00 – 7:00 on Saturday nights with a group of young men and our staff. Each Saturday night, the young men prepare a sermon ands preach. We also have a time of prayer, teaching, and testimonies. I really enjoy these times with our young people. My nine-year-old Josh asked me last week if he could preach in two weeks. I was so excited to hear that, and he already has his text from one of our devotions.

Last week, we were with our church planters in one of the cities where we have several works. They are doing a great job and are amazing soul winners,

Eddie Arold